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发布时间:2018-03-03 20:39

  本文选题:生产运营管理 切入点:成本控制 出处:《河北工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着移动互联网技术的快速发展,手机智能化伴随着移动互联网大潮席卷而来,电视观众,特别是年轻观众正在一点点被蚕食。去年底艾瑞咨询的一项数据显示,过去三年,仅北京市的电视机开机率下降了近一半。为了满足不断变化的用户需求,及时开发新产品,创维集团彩电产品的产品生命周期不断缩短,由生产周期2-3年缩短为不到1年。另外,自20世纪90年代开始的家电行业的价格大战,造成彩电企业的利润空间越来越小。这就要求企业必须不断优化生产运营模式,降低产品成本,以更快的交货速度和更低的产品价格占领市场并且开发新市场。 作为国内第一批就引入SAP系统的企业,在享受SAP带来的快捷、便利服务的同时,经过十几年的应用实践,也存在许多运营管理问题: 同国内其他引入企业资源系统的企业一样,基础数据的准确性一直是系统运行中的主要问题,由此产生的呆料消耗了企业大量金钱;SAP系统的运营基础是默认生产系统的生产能力无限,而无法识别生产系统中的产能瓶颈,无法准确指导生产的进行;就整个计划体系而言,从月度销售订单要货安排到每日生产安排、从整机生产计划到配套生产计划均在系统外各自执行,没有统一的平台;由于缺乏对供应商交货的管理,不能精确的指挥供应商交货,加之没有物料库存分类方法,导致不使用或不急用的物料占得库存金额高。 针对上述问题,本文以ERP运营思想方法为基础,,结合目前世界主流的JIT和TOC方法,对内蒙公司生产运营和成本控制存在问题进行了分析,拟提出以下解决方法: 1.分析基础数据类型,梳理了BOM维护和建立的流程并提出了BOM联动的方法。 2.结合TOC方法识别瓶颈资源,制定能力需求计划,提出科学排产依据。优化MRS和MRP运作流程,并使生产排程与SAP系统结合。 3.采用ABC-XYZ方法分类物料,控制库存金额并提高物料周转率。更改工单发料模式,根据JIT思想,建立拉动式物流和看板系统。 论文最后,对创维集团内蒙公司一个月的生产运营及成本控制情况进行跟踪和分析,总结了采用新方法后企业取得的成绩和凸显出的新问题,对其他家电行业有借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of mobile Internet technology, mobile phone intelligence is coming along with the tide of mobile Internet, television viewers, especially young ones, are being nibbled away little by little. In order to meet the changing needs of users and develop new products in a timely manner, the product life cycle of the color TV products of Skyworth Group has been continuously shortened. The production cycle is shortened from 2-3 years to less than one year. In addition, the price war in the home appliance industry since 1990s has resulted in smaller and smaller profit margins for color TV companies. This requires enterprises to constantly optimize their production and operation patterns. Reduce product costs, capture markets and develop new markets at faster delivery rates and lower product prices. As the first group of enterprises to introduce SAP system in our country, while enjoying the quick and convenient service brought by SAP, there are many problems in operation and management after more than ten years' application practice. The accuracy of basic data has always been a major problem in the operation of the system, just like other domestic enterprises that introduced the enterprise resource system. As a result, a large amount of money is consumed in the operation of SAP system. The operating basis of SAP system is that the production capacity of the default production system is unlimited, and the capacity bottleneck in the production system can not be identified, and the production can not be accurately guided; as far as the whole planning system is concerned, From monthly sales order request arrangement to daily production arrangement, from machine production plan to supporting production plan are implemented outside the system, there is no unified platform; due to the lack of supplier delivery management, Failure to accurately direct supplier delivery, coupled with the absence of a material inventory classification method, results in non-use or non-urgent materials accounting for a high amount of inventory. Aiming at the above problems, this paper, based on the ERP operation method and the current mainstream JIT and TOC methods, analyzes the problems existing in the production, operation and cost control of Inner Mongolia Company, and proposes the following solutions:. 1. Analyzing the basic data types, combing the flow of BOM maintenance and establishment, and putting forward the method of BOM linkage. 2. The bottleneck resource is identified by TOC method, capacity requirement plan is worked out, scientific production scheduling basis is put forward, MRS and MRP operation flow is optimized, and production scheduling is combined with SAP system. 3. ABC-XYZ method is adopted to classify materials, to control inventory amount and to improve material turnover, to change the mode of single material distribution, and to establish a pull logistics and Kanban system according to the idea of JIT. At the end of the paper, the author tracks and analyzes the production operation and cost control of Inner Mongolia Company of Skyworth Group for one month, and summarizes the achievements and problems of the enterprises after adopting the new method, which can be used as a reference for other household appliances industries.


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