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发布时间:2018-03-06 17:34

  本文选题:上市证券公司 切入点:资本结构 出处:《天津财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the opening of China's financial market to the outside world, the securities market is becoming more and more standardized, and increasingly in line with the international market, while the domestic securities companies are getting good opportunities for development, Therefore, the capital composition and operating performance of listed securities companies in China are studied, and the reasonable capital structure suitable for securities companies is determined according to the research results. This paper introduces the theory of the influence of capital structure on management performance, which is conducive to solving the bottleneck of the development of the current securities market, and is conducive to the healthy, stable and long-term development of the capital market and the financial industry in China. And select the sample data of 10 listed securities companies in China from 2004 to 2012 to set up multi-threshold model of panel data, select three control variables of company size, asset structure and growth. Finally, it is estimated that the limit of going out is 0.627.Therefore, the reasonable asset-liability ratio of listed securities companies in China is 62.7%. When the asset-liability ratio of securities companies is less than 62.7%, increasing debt financing can improve the operating performance of the companies. When the asset-liability ratio of a securities company is greater than or equal to 62.7%, if the debt financing continues to increase, the financial risk of the company will continue to increase, and the tax offset of the interest cost of debt financing will be offset by the financial risk. At the same time, according to the model, the expansion of the scale of securities companies can have a positive impact on the performance of the company, and the impact is more significant. It shows that the business of the securities company continues to increase, and the business performance of the securities company continues to improve, while the fixed assets of the securities company have a relatively small proportion in the total assets of the securities company, so the impact on the operating performance of the securities company is less significant than that of the two control variables mentioned above. However, there is still a negative correlation. Based on the results of empirical research, China's securities companies should pay attention to the characteristics of the industry, adjust the capital structure appropriately, weigh corporate financing costs, broaden the financing channels of companies, and make full use of the advantages of scale. The government should speed up the construction of the bond market, establish and perfect the evaluation system of the company's performance, simplify the examination and approval procedure of the securities market, supervise and perfect the internal governance structure of the securities market.


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