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发布时间:2018-03-07 00:27

  本文选题:事业单位 切入点:内部控制有效性 出处:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and the continuous reform of the social economic system, the internal control has been paid more and more attention to in the institutions, and the internal control system of the institutions is also gradually improving. In the evaluation of the effectiveness of the internal control, As the evaluation of the effectiveness of internal control in institutions is still in its infancy, the research on it is relatively few at present. In practice, there is a lack of a good evaluation environment for the effectiveness of internal control in institutions. Internal control effectiveness evaluation system is not perfect, internal control effectiveness evaluation assurance mechanism is not perfect, lack of authoritative internal control effectiveness evaluation information disclosure standard. Institutions need to strengthen the evaluation of the effectiveness of internal control, and gradually promote the effectiveness evaluation of internal control to a scientific and comprehensive direction of development. Institutions should clearly implement the evaluation of the effectiveness of internal control, so as to be scientific. Information management. At the same time, institutions should speed up the establishment of a feasible evaluation system for the effectiveness of internal control to assess the effectiveness of the design and implementation of internal controls. In order to perfect the internal control system better. Based on system theory, control theory, information economics theory and risk management theory, this paper makes a systematic study on the evaluation of the effectiveness of internal control in institutions. Based on the COSO framework, a qualitative index system for evaluating the effectiveness of internal control is constructed. The weight ratio of each index is determined by expert consultation and analytic hierarchy process, and the index of each level is evaluated by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The comprehensive evaluation results provide a quantitative basis for the analysis of the effectiveness of internal control. Firstly, this paper starts from the theory and current situation of the evaluation of the effectiveness of internal control in institutions. This paper expounds the domestic and foreign research status of internal control evaluation and reviews it. Then, it analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the evaluation of internal control effectiveness in institutions, and analyzes the causes of the evaluation. Based on the COSO framework, an index system for evaluating the effectiveness of internal control is established, which includes one target level index, five criterion level index and 20 index level index, and the AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method are used to evaluate the index synthetically. The evaluation index system is applied to the specific institution. According to the comprehensive evaluation value, the shortcomings of the internal control of the institution are analyzed, and suggestions for improvement are put forward.


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