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发布时间:2018-03-07 14:05

  本文选题:农业部门 切入点:绩效评价 出处:《吉林财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着社会主义市场经济的发展和改革开放的不断深入,人们对政府的治理能力要求越来越高。为提高政府在人们心中的满意度,树立政府的公信力和良好的形象,绩效评价被应用到政府系统中来。农业部门作为政府的重要部门,,关系到上亿农民群众的利益,尤其是对我国这样一个农业大国而言,在农业部门中应用绩效评价具有重要的意义和价值。本文就是以A市美国白蛾飞防项目为例,结合我国政府部门绩效评价运用的现状分析,提出了目前我国政府农业部门绩效评价应用方面存在的问题,从绩效评价环境、体系等方面出发,促进政府内外评价机制的结合,推动政府农业部门绩效评价系统向着规范化、系统化、科学化和制度化的方向发展。 20世纪70年代末、80年代初,为有效应对经济全球化、科技进步和国内环境的巨大变化所带来的猛烈冲击,走出政府财政危机、管理危机和信任危机的困境,英、美等西方各国普遍实施了新公共管理运动,绩效评价作为一种评价和改进政府绩效的实用工具及提高政府绩效管理水平的有效手段,逐步在政府管理中得到应用。在我国,财政支出绩效是政府绩效的重要体现,通过财政支出绩效评价,客观评判政府资金投入和政府行为的实际效果,可以对政府部门自身管理是否科学有一个基本评价。近年来,绩效评价被拓展运用于我国政府各部门的管理,财政部部长楼继伟在财政厅(局)长座谈会上明确要求“要推进预算绩效管理,将绩效观念和绩效要求贯穿于财政管理各个方面,对一些重大专项做中期绩效评价”。2013年,财政部印发《预算绩效评价共性指标框架》,不断加强和规范绩效评价工作。 同时,我国绩效评价理论研究和实践运用也存在着一些不足。就政府农业部门存在的问题,具体来说,主要包括评价主体单一、公共利益缺失、信息不对称以及评价系统不健全等方面,并对问题产生的原因进行分析,包括绩效评价价值标准不健全、缺乏全面的评价体系和完备的理论支撑等,为提出解决方案奠定基础。通过实例论证的方法,以A市美国白蛾飞防项目为案例进行分析,包括项目的基本情况介绍、项目采用的方法、取得的成效以及绩效评价在项目中的应用,分析该项目取得的成绩和该项目的绩效评价对农业部门发挥的作用,同时分析存在的问题。最后提出建议,从准确定位政府角色、营造良好的政府绩效评价环境、完善我国政府绩效评价的指标体系、加强政府绩效评价的制度建设以及创新政府绩效评价的技术手段等五个方面进行完善。
[Abstract]:With the development of socialist market economy and the deepening of reform and opening up, people have higher and higher demands on the government's ability to govern. In order to improve the satisfaction of the government in people's minds, to establish the credibility and good image of the government, Performance evaluation is applied to the government system. As an important department of the government, the agricultural sector is related to the interests of hundreds of millions of farmers, especially for a large agricultural country like China. The application of performance evaluation in agricultural sector is of great significance and value. This paper puts forward the problems existing in the application of the performance evaluation of the agricultural sector in our country at present. From the aspects of the performance evaluation environment and system, it promotes the combination of the internal and external evaluation mechanism of the government and promotes the standardization of the performance evaluation system of the government agricultural sector. Systematic, scientific and institutionalized development. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, in order to effectively cope with the fierce impact of economic globalization, scientific and technological progress and the tremendous changes in the domestic environment, we emerged from the dilemma of the government's financial crisis, management crisis and trust crisis. The United States and other western countries have generally implemented the New Public Management Movement. As a practical tool for evaluating and improving government performance and an effective means to improve the level of government performance management, performance evaluation has been gradually applied in government management. The performance of financial expenditure is an important embodiment of government performance. By evaluating the performance of fiscal expenditure and objectively judging the actual effect of government investment and government behavior, we can have a basic evaluation on whether the government departments themselves manage scientifically or not in recent years. Performance evaluation has been extended to the management of various departments of the Chinese government. Lou Jiwei, Minister of Finance, explicitly requested that "budget performance management should be promoted," at a forum of finance department (bureau) ministers. In 2013, the Ministry of Finance issued the Common Index Framework of Budget performance Evaluation to strengthen and standardize the performance evaluation work. At the same time, there are some deficiencies in the theoretical research and practical application of performance evaluation in China. The information asymmetry and the evaluation system are not perfect, and the causes of the problems are analyzed, including the imperfect value standard of performance evaluation, the lack of comprehensive evaluation system and the complete theoretical support, etc. In order to lay the foundation for the solution. Through the method of case study, taking the American White moth flight control project in A city as a case study, including the basic information of the project, the method adopted by the project, The results achieved and the application of performance evaluation in the project, the analysis of the achievements of the project and the impact of the performance evaluation of the project on the agricultural sector, and the analysis of the existing problems. To build a good environment for government performance evaluation, improve the index system of government performance evaluation, strengthen the system construction of government performance evaluation and innovate the technical means of government performance evaluation.


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