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发布时间:2018-03-08 04:30

  本文选题:制造业上市公司 切入点:财务控制 出处:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:高效的财务控制在企业发展过程中有着重要的作用。当企业在规模较小、业务量小的时候,财务控制水平与企业发展之间的矛盾并不突出,而当企业逐步发展壮大,二者之间的这种矛盾便日益突显出来。管理者面临着越来越多的控制问题需要解决,因此就需要建立一个有效的财务控制体系,提升企业的财务控制水平。21世纪以来,不断出现企业因财务控制出现问题而破产重组的案例,尤其是2007年爆发的国际金融危机,更是给了我们一个深刻的教训,自此我国各个企业普遍的认识到了财务控制的重要性,尤其是规模以上的上市公司。近些年,国家相关政府部门、社会自律性组织等相继发布了与财务控制相关的文件,希望以此来规范企业的财务控制。 因此,文章以制造业上市公司财务控制影响因素为研究对象,以2012年100家制造业上市公司作为研究样本,采用pearson相关分析、主成分分析、logistic回归分析等实证分析方法,研究了企业盈利能力、偿债能力、营运能力、现金流量管理能力、财务风险管理能力与财务控制之间的相关关系,并根据研究结论为提高制造业上市公司的财务控制水平从其现金流量管理、盈利能力、偿债能力和财务风险管理等方面提出了相关的政策建议。 最后得出了文章的结论,,结论如下:(1)制造业上市公司的现金流量管理能力对其财务控制有显著正影响,且在所有影响因素中是排在第一位的,因此制造业上市公司要提升其财务控制水平,首先要从其现金流量管理入手;(2)制造业上市公司的盈利能力、偿债能力和财务风险管理能力对其财务控制都有显著的正影响,它们对财务控制影响的重要程度仅次于公司的现金流量管理能力;(3)研究结论表明,制造业上市公司的营运能力与其财务控制之间不存在显著的相关关系,其具体原因还有待后续做进一步考证。
[Abstract]:Efficient financial control plays an important role in the process of enterprise development. When the enterprise is small in scale and small in business volume, the contradiction between the level of financial control and the development of enterprise is not prominent, but when the enterprise develops gradually, The contradiction between them is becoming more and more obvious. Managers are faced with more and more control problems to be solved. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an effective financial control system to improve the level of financial control of enterprises since the 21st century. The continuous emergence of cases of bankruptcy and reorganization of enterprises due to financial control problems, especially the international financial crisis that broke out in 2007, has given us a profound lesson. Since then, all enterprises in our country have generally recognized the importance of financial control. In recent years, the relevant government departments and social self-discipline organizations have issued documents related to financial control, hoping to standardize the financial control of enterprises. Therefore, this paper takes the financial control factors of manufacturing listed companies as the research object, takes 100 manufacturing listed companies as the research sample in 2012, adopts the pearson correlation analysis, principal component analysis and logistic regression analysis and other empirical analysis methods. The relationship between profitability, solvency, operating capacity, cash flow management ability, financial risk management ability and financial control is studied. According to the conclusion of the research, the paper puts forward some relevant policy suggestions for improving the financial control level of listed manufacturing companies from the aspects of cash flow management, profitability, solvency and financial risk management. Finally, the conclusion of this paper is as follows: (1) the cash flow management ability of listed manufacturing companies has a significant positive impact on their financial control, and it ranks first among all the influencing factors. Therefore, in order to improve the level of financial control of listed companies in manufacturing industry, the first step is to start with cash flow management) the profitability of listed companies in manufacturing industries, the ability to repay debt and the ability to manage financial risks have significant positive effects on their financial control. The results show that there is no significant correlation between the operating ability of listed manufacturing companies and their financial control. The specific reasons are still to be further studied.


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