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发布时间:2018-03-10 03:39

  本文选题:天然气管道运输企业 切入点:成本控制 出处:《中国石油大学(华东)》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the transformation of enterprise mechanism and economic system in China has brought an excellent opportunity for the development of cost control and management, and cost management and control have been paid more and more attention to by enterprises. However, with the constantly changing competitive environment, The severe challenge is approaching the natural gas pipeline transportation enterprise constantly. If we want to grow in the competition, it is necessary to control and manage the cost of the enterprise. In order to improve the market competitiveness of the products of the enterprise, we must continuously reduce its cost. For the analysis and management of natural gas enterprises, we can see that only if the transportation cost of natural gas is controlled, then the operating costs of natural gas enterprises will be controlled. This is also a subject we need to face. The focus of this paper is to improve the cost control of natural gas pipeline transportation enterprises, focusing on the design and construction of cost control mode, and strengthening the control of natural gas pipeline transportation costs. Firstly, this paper introduces the research background, research status, research methods, characteristics of natural gas pipeline transportation industry and its cost characteristics, describes the current situation of cost control. And analyze the existing problems from the current situation; then, according to these problems, in-depth analysis, find out the causes of these problems, and put forward the construction and operation of the natural gas pipeline network to improve the structure of the budget, The intermediate management and the later evaluation are analyzed and the corresponding improvement measures are made so as to control the cost in the operation of the enterprise. Finally, the corresponding safeguard measures and prospects are put forward. This paper summarizes the research results of this paper and the problems that need to be further studied. By studying the operation situation of natural gas pipeline transportation enterprises, this paper makes a detailed study on the problems existing in the operation of natural gas. And carried on the thorough analysis, then according to these questions has pointed out the reasonable opinion and the suggestion.


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