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发布时间:2018-03-10 19:16

  本文选题:地方政府融资平台 切入点:平台经营实体化 出处:《吉林大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:08年金融危机以来,全国各地方政府为了拉动内需并完善基础设施建设,维持GDP增速,成立了许多以融资为主要目的的公司,如城投公司、交投公司水投公司等,大家对这类公司有个统一的叫法称之为政府融资平台,这些融资平台经过多年发展,为当地的公共设施建设和公益项目做出了很多贡献,同时,过度负债,自身经营性收入不高,还款来源过于以依赖当地财政收入等问题也日益暴露在社会公众面前。根据国家审计署的审计结果显示,截至2013年6月底,全国各级政府负有偿还责任的债务20.69万亿,其中地方政府富有偿还责任的债务10.88万亿,债务率为113.4%,而根据一些国外金融机构的测算,政府真实债务可能还要高于这个金额,稍有不慎,就会给全国带来巨大的金融风险和财务风险。截至2014年6月,据银监会的统计结果,,全国各级政府融资平台的总数量早已过万,其中区县级融资平台更是占60%以上,这些数量巨大的融资平台下一步如何发展,是逐渐推出历史舞台还是在政府新的政策下成功转型,在经济增速放缓的今天,如何安全的解决这些巨额存量政府债务,文中通过对国内外地方政府融资情况的分析,试探性的提出了一些个人的看法和建议。 本文也选择了西南地区的一个正在转型经营实体化的县级融资平台,通过对这个企业的财务风险,经营管理风险,政策风险等等进行了全面的分析,为更好的完善企业融资管理体系,提出了防范风险的具体建议和措施,融资平台的融资体系管理是关系着是否能成功转型的关键要素,只有管好了融资体系,解决好企业的资金缺口问题,才能让企业慢慢从借新还旧的恶性循环中解脱出来,才能让企业有更多的精力去认真落实好当地政府给企业提出的转型目标,也能为全国其他地方政府的融资平台转型提供一些可借鉴的经验和具体措施,从而真正的实现国家领导层提出的由管理型社会向服务型社会发展的目标。
[Abstract]:Since the financial crisis of 2008, in order to boost domestic demand, improve infrastructure construction, and maintain the growth of GDP, local governments have set up many companies whose main purpose is to raise funds, such as City Investment Corporation, Trading Corporation, Water Investment Company, etc. You have a unified name for this kind of company called the government financing platform, which, after years of development, has made a lot of contributions to local public facilities and public welfare projects, and, at the same time, excessive debt. Its operating income is low, and its repayment sources are increasingly exposed to the public by relying too heavily on local revenues. According to the audit results of the State Audit Office, as of the end of June 2013, The national governments at all levels are responsible for 20.69 trillion debts, of which 10.88 trillion are owed by local governments, with a debt ratio of 113.4. According to the estimates of some foreign financial institutions, the real government debt may still be higher than this amount. A little carelessness will bring huge financial and financial risks to the whole country. As of June 2014, according to the statistics of the CBRC, the total number of government financing platforms at all levels across the country has already exceeded 10, 000, of which regional and county level financing platforms account for more than 60%. How to develop these huge financing platforms next, whether to gradually launch the historical stage or to successfully transform under the new government policies, and how to solve these huge stocks of government debt safely today when the economic growth rate is slowing down. By analyzing the financing situation of local governments at home and abroad, this paper tentatively puts forward some personal views and suggestions. This paper also chooses a county level financing platform which is undergoing transformation and operation in the southwest region. Through the analysis of the financial risk, management risk, policy risk and so on of this enterprise, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the financial risk, the management risk, the policy risk, and so on. In order to perfect the enterprise financing management system better, put forward the concrete suggestion and measure to prevent the risk, the financing system management of the financing platform is the key factor which relates to the successful transformation, only managed the financing system well, Only by solving the problem of the capital gap of enterprises can enterprises slowly extricate themselves from the vicious circle of new and old, and can enterprises have more energy to conscientiously implement the transformation goals put forward by the local government to the enterprises. It can also provide some experience and concrete measures for the transformation of financing platform of other local governments in China, so as to realize the goal of the development from management society to service society put forward by the national leadership.


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