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发布时间:2018-03-12 09:17

  本文选题:人力资源会计 切入点:人力资源价值 出处:《西北大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, the connotation of human capital is becoming more and more abundant, which is reflected not only in the manpower of traditional manufacturing workers, but also in the emerging industries. Manpower also plays a new role. Although it has become a consensus that manpower is regarded as an important element of the organization, traditional accounting only calculates and measures material resources. However, the study of human resources and the value it creates is only a theoretical one, and it is not recorded as a human asset. The theoretical research and application of human resource accounting has come into being. As an important part of human resource accounting, human resource value accounting has been widely concerned by scholars since its birth. Due to the creativity of human resources, the particularity of human resources and the uncertainty of human resource value, the research of human resource value accounting is more challenging. The measurement and measurement method of human resource value is still the difficult point of the research up to now. Therefore, if the human resource value is measured according to the characteristics of the industry, then the measurement method is feasible. Because in the income composition of commercial bank, it is feasible to measure the value of human resource. Compared with interest income, non-interest income has a close relationship with the value of human resources. This paper selects non-interest income to estimate the value of human resources of commercial banks. This is a breakthrough in the study of human resource value measurement and human resource value accounting. In view of this, combining the business characteristics of commercial banks, the measurement method of human resource value from the perspective of non-interest income, It makes it feasible for commercial banks to measure the value of human resources. If this is the basis of simplifying the economic value law, it is not only representative, but also the measurement of group value in monetary measurement. This paper also puts forward that the sum of input and output of human resources is the human resource value of commercial banks from the perspective of full value measurement. After using AHP to get the weight of 10 factors affecting individual human resource value, it is put forward that each factor can be graded by Delphi method, and the total score can be calculated by combining the weight. That is, to obtain non-monetary information about individual human resource value. This research process of human resource value and human resource value accounting is of great significance to the human resource management of commercial banks. That is, human resource value accounting can provide useful information for commercial banks, promote the construction of individual value evaluation system, form a perfect incentive mechanism environment, and make every employee give full play to their own value.


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