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发布时间:2018-03-12 13:54

  本文选题:Activity-based 切入点:Costing(ABC) 出处:《杭州电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the pharmaceutical technology industry, it is necessary not only to face the adverse competition among the industries caused by market factors, but also to face the factors such as the regulation of drug prices by the state and the self-improvement of the internal management mode of pharmaceutical enterprises. In order to adapt to the changing market environment and to seek the development and reform of the pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical enterprises must change the traditional enterprise management mode and production mode. To improve the competitiveness of enterprises in operation and management, Cost control and utilization have become the key factors for enterprises to survive in pharmaceutical industry. This paper presents a feedback control variance analysis method based on activity-based cost and a predictive control model based on ABC activity-based costing method. Taking the historical data of pharmaceutical enterprises as the theoretical basis, this paper analyzes and discusses the cost control and cost analysis application of this method in the pharmaceutical industry. The method mainly includes the process of cost accounting in each activity center of a pharmaceutical industry as an example. The difference analysis of cost value index, workshop motivation quantity index and workshop efficiency index applied to the pharmaceutical enterprise reveals the source of the rising and falling of workshop product cost, and explains the effective way to reduce the unit product cost. This paper provides decision support for the management of enterprise leaders and financial management personnel. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. This paper analyzes and studies several algorithms that affect activity cost, which are divided into statistical analysis method, standard agent quantity control method, and so on. The critical value adjustment policy method, as an analysis and comparison, and combining with the factors of pharmaceutical industry itself, a new model of cost difference control is obtained, and the index calculation of unit cost of this method in pharmaceutical enterprises is studied. As well as the calculation method of the corresponding activity flow. 2, the algorithm application of the activity-based cost difference analysis method is analyzed and studied. According to the product production flow mode of the pharmaceutical enterprise, the best algorithm suitable for the cost difference of the pharmaceutical enterprise is obtained. The cost control algorithm is analyzed and studied, and the production quality and cost model of the production process of pharmaceutical enterprises are analyzed in order to provide the basis for decision-making and scheduling for the management. This paper puts forward the cost control theory, obtains the cost control algorithm, puts forward the application model .4for pharmaceutical enterprises, studies the role of predictive control in activity-based cost feedback control, and makes use of wavelet neural network cost prediction model. Based on the deviation of cost forecast target cost under CUSUM control chart, the model of cost difference control system for pharmaceutical enterprises is designed, which realizes the application of cost difference function and the application of enterprise cost control index. For the corresponding index and cost difference algorithm, according to this algorithm, the budget range value, And how to predict the deviation of cost value in target cost, and the reasonable application of the system in the cost control of pharmaceutical enterprises. The successful practice based on cost difference control method in pharmaceutical enterprises shows that, The cost difference control algorithm proposed in this paper is able to meet the current cost control and production management of pharmaceutical enterprises, help pharmaceutical enterprises to optimize costs, so as to seek product cost control and achieve the purpose of increasing profits.


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