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发布时间:2018-03-13 02:26

  本文选题:投资控制 切入点:项目管理 出处:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Expressway project investment is an important field of capital construction investment. It is an important economic activity which takes up more time, consumes more time, and has a bearing on the life of the people and the development of the national economy. Since the state gives priority to increasing investment in infrastructure construction, highway construction can bring huge benefits to national economic and social development. As a result, it has been listed as an important investment project in the national infrastructure. In recent years, the expressway construction project has a large scale of investment, more investment funds, more construction links, and a long investment period. The CX Expressway is the first two-type demonstration highway of science and technology in Hunan Province, with a total investment of seven billion six hundred and ninety-nine million. How to manage and make good use of the construction funds, It is the focus of the CX Expressway project to make it play the greatest social and economic benefits. This paper aims at optimizing the investment control objectives of the CX Expressway Construction Project. To further improve the CX expressway construction project investment control efficiency and the efficiency of the use of funds. First of all, from the control management, project management theory, this paper describes the current situation of investment control at home and abroad. This paper introduces the relevant theoretical basis. Then, the paper analyzes the present situation of investment control of CX expressway construction project, points out that CX expressway construction project lacks the concept of life-cycle cost, and has a large number of departments and personnel. The investment control in the design stage is not strict, there are weak links in the bidding process, there are loopholes in the on-site visa for the metering and payment link, the time limit for the completion of final accounts is too long and the file data transfer is not timely, and so on. Secondly, Based on the concept of life-cycle cost, this paper proposes to strengthen the investment control of land requisition and demolition and design stage, to optimize the organizational structure, to streamline the staffing, and to perfect the investment control procedures in the bidding process. Strengthen the on-site visa work of metering payment link, strictly control the completion of the final project and complete the final accounts and data transfer in a timely manner. Through the above measures to set up owners' units and design units, The investment control system of the construction unit improves the efficiency of project management and reduces the cost of project construction.


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9 吉罗U,




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