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发布时间:2018-03-14 13:30

  本文选题:行政成本 切入点:制度 出处:《燕山大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:行政成本往往能够有效地反映一国政府的行政效率和执政水平。行政成本不断攀升,行政效率日益低下,这几乎已经成为当前世界各国在公共管理领域所面临的一个共同的问题。因此,有效地控制行政成本是世界各国行政改革所追求的重要目标之一。控制行政成本也是我国政府所面临的一个重要任务。深入研究我国的行政成本问题,不仅对完善中国行政管理理论有着重要的价值,并且有利于提升我国政府的行政效率和执政能力,推进行政管理体制改革,建立廉价型政府,构建节约型社会与和谐社会。 本文首先探讨了行政成本的含义、分类和行政成本的主要特点,运用定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法阐述了当前我国政府行政成本的基本情况,主要通过行政成本的纵向比较和横向比较,结合我国行政管理费占财政总支出的比例以及行政管理费占国内生产总值的比例,揭示了我国政府存在的行政成本偏高、增长速度过快以及资金分配不合理等问题。 从制度方面看,我国政府行政成本偏高的原因主要有政府的行政职能和机构配置不合理,,人事管理制度不够完善,缺乏严格科学的预算管理制度,职务消费制度不健全以及行政决策制度不够科学等五个方面。在此基础上,结合我国的实际情况,本文探讨了控制我国政府行政成本的具体措施。主要包括:科学界定政府职能,设置扁平化政府;精简人员,完善绩效考核制度;细化预算并建立统一的预算体系;建立严格的职务消费制度;建立科学的行政决策程序和决策评价制度,建立健全决策责任制度。
[Abstract]:Administrative costs can effectively reflect the government's administrative efficiency and the level of administrative costs rising, administrative efficiency is increasingly low, this has almost become a common problem for all the countries of the world in the field of public management. Therefore, effective control of administrative costs is one of the important goal of the administrative reform in the world. An important task is to control the administrative cost of our government faces the problem of administrative cost. Further research in our country, not only has important value to improve the China administrative management theory, and is beneficial to improve our government's administrative efficiency and administrative ability, promote the reform of the administrative system, the establishment of cheap government. To build a resource-saving society and a harmonious society.
This paper first discusses the meaning of administrative cost, main characteristics and classification of administrative cost, using the method of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis elaborated the basic situation of our government's administrative cost, administrative cost mainly through vertical comparison and horizontal comparison, combined with China's administrative expenses of the proportion of the total financial and administrative management fees accounted for the proportion of GDP, reveals the high administrative costs of China's government, the problem of growing too fast and the allocation of funds is not reasonable.
From the institutional perspective, reasons for the high administrative cost of our government's main government administrative functions and institutions unreasonable allocation of personnel management system is not perfect, the lack of strict scientific budget management system, five aspects of the job consumption system is not perfect and administrative decision-making system is not scientific enough. On this basis, combined with the actual situation in China, this paper discusses the specific measures to control the cost of government administration in China. Mainly include: scientific definition of government functions, the government set flat; streamlining staff, improve the performance appraisal system; refine the budget and the establishment of a unified budget system; establish a strict system of duty consumption; the establishment of administrative decision-making procedures and decision-making scientific evaluation system, set up perfect the responsibility system of decision-making.





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