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发布时间:2018-03-15 10:43

  本文选题:粮食企业 切入点:融资模式 出处:《河南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国粮食产量不断创历史新高,保障了国家粮食安全,为稳定粮食市场奠定了物质基础。与此同时,城镇化水平不断提高,对粮食多样化、高质化的需要日益增大,给粮食企业带来无限机会的同时也带来极大的压力。我国的粮食供求格局也发生了显著变化,,从“总量平衡、丰年有余”转为“总体平衡、结构性偏紧”。粮食政策向统筹协调和安全高效倾斜,大大促进粮食产量的提高,基本实现我国粮食的自给自足。但是,我国的粮食行业市场集中度较低,知名品牌较少,不能牢牢把握市场以应对外来强势品牌的入侵,是影响社会稳定和粮食安全的不利因素。粮食属于高运输成本商品,并且粮食产品带有浓厚的地域特色,使粮食企业在扩大规模、进行品牌推广时受到很大的限制。 粮食行业的特点决定,企业要想扩大再生产,就需要大量的外来资金支持。但是,作为政策性较强的行业,利润率很低,外来资金进入粮食行业的意愿不强。粮食企业融资渠道主要有农业发展银行的政策性资金、商业银行贷款、民间借贷等。农业发展银行有充足的政策性资金可供使用,但是同商业银行贷款一样,同样要以企业的各种资信证明,有效担保抵押物作为前提。这些基本上粮食企业都很难提供给银行,因此,企业要想从银行获得使用成本较低的资金的可能性较低。民间借贷,贷款手续简单,资金充足且能够快速到账,但是利息太高,增加企业的运行成本,不利于企业资金的积累及再投资。粮食企业融资难的原因有经营规模太小,抵抗外部风险的能力较弱,没有完善的公司规章制度和严谨的财务制度,不够重视诚信,融资成本过大,银行贷款意愿不强等中小企业融资难都具备的原因以外,还有粮食行业的政策影响和外部事件影响。粮食行业关系国计民生,受国家调控较严,导致粮食企业利润率有限,同时外部事件影响因素也较大,一个企业因食品安全出问题,将影响的是一大批生产同类型产品的企业。内外双重因素的影响,导致粮食企业要比其他类型的中小企业融资较难。 企业发展壮大,需要市场和资金的支持。中国作为人口大国,对粮食的消费绝对是个巨大的市场,因此产品的销售不用担心,主要就是缺少资金进行原材料的购买和机器设备的更新。针对河南省粮食企业融资模式的调查,现有的主要融资模式有“小微金融合作社”、“联保贷款”、“粮贸通”、“个人抵押贷款”、“河南省直粮食企业粮食担保互助基金”等融资模式,除了“个人抵押贷款”以外,其余贷款模式都引入第三方作为银行授信资金的监管方,这样做的好处是能够保证银行资金的安全,降低客户贷款资金的使用成本同时能够快速拿到贷款。但是每种模式都有其不足之处,“小微金融合作社”授信金额太小,难于满足客户需要;“联保贷款”优质联保体难组建、“粮贸通”是抵押品监管难的问题,“河南省直粮食企业粮食担保互助基金”则为基金监管问题、“个人抵押贷款”手续复杂,审批较慢,成本较高。同时针对粮食企业存货较多的特点,提出了进行“动产质押”的融资模式。 针对粮食行业交易的特点,提出了完善粮食交易平台,为银行授信资金的监管作有力保证,同时对现有的融资模式进行分析,就其不足给出了相应的解决对策或者措施,希望完善这几种融资模式,使其发展成标准化的流程,能够对全国的粮食企业进行推广,同时对其他中小企业融资难的问题解决提供借鉴。当然,再成熟的融资模式,也需要优质企业作为基础,粮食企业应该加强自身的管理,完善公司的规章制度和财务制度,同时注重人才的培养,为人才的发展提供良好的平台,否则,一切都是空谈。
[Abstract]:China's grain output has reached a record high, ensuring national food security, laid the material foundation for the stable grain market. At the same time, the increasing level of urbanization, food diversification, need high quality and increasing the food enterprise to bring unlimited opportunity at the same time, it also brings great pressure. The pattern of China's grain supply and demand has also undergone significant changes, from the "total balance surplus" to "overall balance, structural tight. Food policy tilt to efficient coordination and safety, greatly promote the increase of grain yield, the basic realization of China's grain self-sufficiency. However, China's food industry market concentration is low, the well-known the brand is less, can not firmly grasp the market to meet the alien invasion of strong brands, unfavorable factors affecting social stability and food security. Food is the high cost of goods transportation, and food The product has a strong regional characteristic, which makes the grain enterprises be greatly restricted when they expand the scale and promote the brand promotion.
The characteristics of the food industry, companies want to expand production, requires a large amount of foreign capital support. However, as the industry policy is strong, low profit margins, foreign funds to enter the food industry is not strong. The financing channels of food enterprises are mainly policy funds of Agricultural Development Bank, commercial bank loans, private lending. The agricultural development bank policy of adequate funds available, but as the commercial bank loans, the same to the enterprise's credit certificate, valid collateral guarantees as a prerequisite. These basically food enterprises are very difficult to provide to the bank, therefore, the enterprise wants to obtain the use of lower cost of funds from the bank to lower the possibility of the private lending, loan procedures simple, capital adequacy and can quickly arrival, but the rate is too high, increase the cost of enterprise operation, is not conducive to capital accumulation and investment enterprises Capital. Grain enterprise financing scale is too small, the external resistance risk ability is weak, there is no perfect regulations and strict financial system, insufficient attention to the integrity, the financing cost is too large, for reasons other than bank loans will not strong financing of small and medium-sized enterprises have, as well as food industry policy and external events. The relationship between the food industry by national regulation is beneficial to the people's livelihood, strict, leading to food enterprise profit rate is limited, while external events affecting factors are larger, an enterprise due to food safety problems, will affect a large number of products of the same type. The enterprise internal and external factors, leading to food enterprises than other types of small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult.
Enterprise development, market and financial support. China as a country with a large population, food consumption is a huge market, so the product sales do not worry, mainly is the lack of funds for the purchase of raw materials and equipment updates. Investigation in Henan province food enterprise financing mode, financing mode existing the "small micro finance cooperatives", "loan", "grain", "personal mortgage loans", "Henan provincial food enterprises food guarantee mutual funds and other financing mode, in addition to" personal mortgage loans ", other models are the introduction of third party as bank credit funds supervision, such the advantage is to ensure the safety of bank funds, reduce the cost of using capital loans to customers at the same time can quickly get loans. But each model has its defects, small and micro Financial Cooperatives "credit amount is too small, it is difficult to meet the needs of customers; quality guaranteed loans UNPROFOR difficult to set up," Liang Mao Tong "is the collateral regulatory difficult problem," the Henan provincial food security food enterprise mutual fund "for the supervision of the fund," personal mortgage approval procedures are complex, slow, high cost. At the same time for more grain inventory characteristics, proposed the chattel mortgage financing mode.
According to the characteristics of food industry trade, put forward to improve the food trading platform for bank credit funds regulation guarantee, at the same time the existing financing mode analysis, it gives corresponding countermeasures or measures, hoping to improve these financing mode, the development of standardized processes, can be promoted of the country's food enterprises, at the same time for other SME financing problems to provide reference. Of course, more mature financing mode, also need high quality enterprises as the basis, food enterprises should strengthen their management, improve the company's rules and regulations and the financial system, and pay attention to the cultivation of talents, provide a good platform for talents. The development of otherwise, everything is empty.



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