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发布时间:2018-03-16 05:22

  本文选题:农业综合开发 切入点:资金管理 出处:《湖南农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着株洲市对农业综合开发投资规模不断扩大,资金管理成为了重点,其关系到农业综合开发能否健康发展,是农业综合开发持续发展的重要保证。为了促进株洲市农业综合开发资金规范管理,本文通过实地调查、深度访谈、资料收集等方式,对株洲市农业综合开发资金管理现状及存在问题进行了研究,并提出了管理对策,主要从以下三个方面进行阐述: (1)株洲市农业综合开发现状。近年来,株洲市成立了农业综合开发管理机构,逐步完善了管理制度,逐步扩大株洲市农业综合开发的投资规模、加大项目工程建设和扶持农业产业化经营力度,农业综合开发取得了显著成效。 (2)农业综合开发资金管理问题。通过调研发现,株洲市农业综合开发主要存在财会人员业务素质较低,报账不规范、资金筹集难度大、资金整合难度大、资金审计滞后、项目验收不严格、有偿资金难以发挥应有的作用等问题,严重制约了农业综合开发的健康发展。 (3)农业综合开发资金管理对策。根据农业综合开发现状和存在的问题,提出了农业综合开发的对策:1)领导层要重视农业综合开发资金管理;2)规范“三专”管理制度和严格执行财政资金县级报账制;3)加强农业综合开发资金的筹措和整合;4)加强多元化服务,提高项目资金的使用效益;5)加强农业开发资金的审计工作;6)加强资金管理人员培训;7)强化有偿资金管理,加大回收力度;8)加强监督检查,防止弄虚作假。
[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of the scale of investment in comprehensive agricultural development in Zhuzhou City, capital management has become the focus, which has a bearing on the healthy development of comprehensive agricultural development. It is an important guarantee for the sustainable development of comprehensive agricultural development. In order to promote the standardized management of agricultural comprehensive development funds in Zhuzhou City, this paper adopts the methods of field investigation, in-depth interview, data collection, etc. This paper studies the present situation and existing problems of the fund management of Zhuzhou's comprehensive agricultural development, and puts forward the management countermeasures, mainly from the following three aspects:. In recent years, Zhuzhou City has set up an agricultural comprehensive development management organization, gradually improved the management system, and gradually expanded the investment scale of comprehensive agricultural development in Zhuzhou City. Increasing the project construction and supporting the management of agricultural industrialization, agricultural comprehensive development has achieved remarkable results. 2) the problem of fund management for comprehensive agricultural development. Through investigation and investigation, it is found that the main problems of comprehensive agricultural development in Zhuzhou are the low professional quality of financial and accounting personnel, the irregular reporting of accounts, the difficulty of raising funds, the difficulty of fund integration, and the lag of capital audit. The project acceptance is not strict, the paid fund is difficult to play its due role, which seriously restricts the healthy development of agricultural comprehensive development. Measures for fund management of comprehensive agricultural development. According to the present situation and existing problems of comprehensive agricultural development, This paper puts forward the countermeasures of comprehensive agricultural development: 1) the leadership should attach importance to the management of agricultural comprehensive development funds (2) standardize the "three special" management system and strictly implement the financial fund reporting system at the county level. (3) strengthen the financing and integration of agricultural comprehensive development funds. To enhance the diversity of services, To enhance the efficiency of the use of project funds 5) to strengthen the audit of agricultural development funds 6) to strengthen the training of fund managers and 7) to strengthen the management of paid funds, to strengthen the recovery of funds, to strengthen supervision and inspection, and to prevent fraud.


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