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发布时间:2018-03-17 03:37

  本文选题:后金融危机 切入点:公允价值 出处:《哈尔滨理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国政府对于公允价值一直秉承谨慎应用的态度,对公允价值的采用经历了运用—弃用—重新启用的过程。为了与国际会计惯例趋同同时又受限于我国市场等条件,,重新启用公允价值是建立在谨慎地、有条件地应用的态度之上。2008年由次贷危机引发的全球金融危机为公允价值的应用带来巨大打击,一时之间公允价值的存废成为各界人士关注的焦点。以美国华尔街为代表的金融巨头们纷纷将此次金融危机的爆发归咎于公允价值,并得到美国政界支持。以FASB(Financial Accounting Standards Board)为首的会计界最终做出让步,表示公允价值会计准则应该修改。在我国,公允价值自2007年再次被广泛应用的同时,由于金融危机波及至我国,公允价值计量同样受到了严峻考验。不过,我国会计界的学者大多数认为与另外四种计量方法相比,公允价值计量则更有其优越性和实用性。反过来,公允价值在金融危机中顺周期效应加剧,说明其并不是完美无瑕疵的,对于其出现的不足,应着手对其进行改革。 本文从公允价值的发展历程为出发点,系统地分析公允价值在我国实施的历史原因和现实原因,对运用公允价值产生的效应进行分析,对公允价值的应用与金融危机之间的关系进行梳理。在我国应用方面,本文重点对后金融危机公允价值在企业的应用现状从金融业和非金融业进行了总体的分析,指出了公允价值在后金融危机时代应用产生的经济后果:(1)对金融危机有“放大镜”作用;(2)公允价值估值技术难度增加;(3)降低企业收益的质量。故本文具体地对公允价值对企业的影响进行了实证研究,从两方面进行研究:一方面,从金融工具、投资性房地产以及非货币性资产交换三方面对企业财务报表的影响进行研究,另一方面,对企业价值的影响进行建模分析,研究公允价值与股价之间的关系。最后,本文通过这两方面结合实证结果对完善运用公允价值提出相关建议。
[Abstract]:Our government has been adhering to the attitude of prudent application of fair value, and has experienced the process of using, abandoning and reusing fair value. In order to converge with international accounting practice and be restricted by our country's market at the same time, The re-activation of fair value is based on a cautious, conditional approach to application. In 2008, the global financial crisis triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis dealt a huge blow to the application of fair value. For a while, the preservation and abolition of fair value has become the focus of attention of people from all walks of life. Financial giants, represented by Wall Street in the United States, have blamed the outbreak of the financial crisis on fair value. The accounting profession, led by FASB(Financial Accounting Standards Board. finally made concessions, saying that fair value accounting standards should be revised. In our country, fair value has been widely used again since 2007, at the same time as the financial crisis spread to our country, The fair value measurement has also been severely tested. However, most of the accounting scholars in our country think that compared with the other four methods of measurement, fair value measurement has more advantages and practicability. The pro-cyclical effect of fair value in the financial crisis intensifies, which shows that it is not perfect and flawless, and it should be reformed for its deficiency. From the perspective of the development of fair value, this paper systematically analyzes the historical and realistic reasons for the implementation of fair value in China, and analyzes the effects of fair value. In the application of financial crisis in China, this paper focuses on the application of fair value in enterprises after the financial crisis from the financial industry and the non-financial sector for the overall analysis, It is pointed out that the economic consequence of the application of fair value in the post-financial crisis era is: (1) it is a magnifying glass to the financial crisis. (2) the technical difficulty of fair value valuation is more difficult to reduce the quality of enterprise income. An empirical study on the influence of allowable value on enterprises has been carried out. On the one hand, the impact of financial instruments, investment real estate and non-monetary assets exchange on the financial statements of enterprises is studied. On the other hand, the impact of enterprise value is modeled and analyzed. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to use fair value in combination with the empirical results.


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