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发布时间:2018-03-19 04:01

  本文选题:上级补助收入 切入点:单位会计人员 出处:《财会通讯》2013年34期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The newly revised Accounting system for institutions has been formally implemented since January 1st 2013. How to accurately and timely carry out accounting and truly feedback accounting information, It is the responsibility of the vast number of financial accounting personnel. At present, some accounting personnel of budget units reflect the problem that the classification of income is difficult to confirm when recording accounts. There are three reasons for this phenomenon: first, the public institutions have a lot of revenue and miscellaneous, Both the financial subsidy income, the enterprise income and the superior subsidy income from the financial allocation, as well as the income handed over by the subsidiary units, the operating income, and other income. At the same time, the accounting subjects are detailed and classified, and the accounting requirements are even higher. For example, "Business income", "Superior subsidy income"
【作者单位】: 湖北省京山县财政局;


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