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发布时间:2018-03-20 00:33

  本文选题:非利息收入 切入点:内生性 出处:《安徽农业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The non-interest income of off-balance-sheet business of commercial banks has more and more influence on the operating income of commercial banks. In this paper, the non-interest income of off-balance-sheet business of commercial banks is studied by using the Hausman test based on higher-order moment tool variables. It is found that non-interest income is essentially the endogenous income of commercial banks. This paper analyzes the strategy of commercial banks to develop new business channels and develop diversified income by using conditional heteroscedasticity model. The results show that the risk premium of commercial banks is positively related to the off-balance-sheet income of commercial banks, and the influence of non-interest income and interest income on the operating income of commercial banks is analyzed. The results show that the non-interest income can disperse the business risk of commercial banks, and the non-interest income and interest income have high procyclicality and synchronism. The annual compound growth rate of interest income is higher than that of non-interest income, but commercial banks pay more and more attention to the expansion of off-balance-sheet business activities, and the contribution of non-interest income to commercial banks' income is increasing. The fluctuation rate of interest income is higher than that of non-interest income, indicating that the current situation of commercial banks in our country is still dominated by interest income. The core of commercial bank management is risk, so how to measure risk more reasonably and scientifically. Control risk must be considered in an important strategic position. Through the research and analysis of this paper, we find that the traditional method of measuring commercial bank risk-VaR model is dependent on the volatility of commercial bank return. Through the GMM estimate, we find that the market risk premium has very little effect on ROA, which also shows that it is not perfect to use measures that only consider systemic risk to measure the return of commercial banks. Compared with the market risk premium model, the return volatility model, The volatility model not only considers systemic risk, but also takes into account the pricing of special risk. Although volatility of return can overestimate risk when measuring individual stock or non-diversified portfolio, but because of the particularity of special risk, Volatility can avoid the influence of fat tail. Therefore, the volatility of yield is more suitable to measure the operating risk of commercial banks than the market risk premium. At present, Chinese commercial banks are also actively expanding their non-interest income business. However, attention should be paid to the implementation of the differentiation strategy and efforts should be made to ensure a dynamic balance between non-interest income and interest income. Secondly, in order to ensure the healthy and stable development of the non-interest income business, It is necessary to formulate a scientific and reasonable strategy for regulating non-interest income business activities. We can consider security portfolios, scientific hedging, etc. Since high-risk commercial banks are actively engaged in non-interest income business, Therefore, the regulatory authorities should focus on banks with low capital adequacy and high credit risk. The traditional VaR model should be transferred to the rate of return fluctuation model and the structure optimization of interest income and non-interest income of commercial bank should be emphasized.


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