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发布时间:2018-03-20 12:08

  本文选题:上市公司 切入点:融资协议 出处:《财务与会计》2013年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:As for the profit compensation agreement and the gambling agreement, there is no clear definition in the relevant domestic system documents. The author thinks that the profit compensation agreement is signed by the listed company and the profit promise party in the directional additional offering. On the basis of the completion of the assets that are the subject of the transaction injected into the listed company or the performance commitments of the listed company, A contract for adjusting the economic interests between a listed company and a profit-making party through share or cash payments. A gambling agreement refers to an agreement between the investor and the financier, subordinate to the investment and financing agreement, and based on the financial party's commitment to events for a given year in the future. An agreed mechanism, a financial instrument and a win-win and mutually beneficial institutional arrangement aimed at adjusting the valuation of the financier's enterprise based on the completion of the event commitment... It can be seen that the profit compensation agreement has certain characteristics of the gambling agreement, But there is also a clear difference between the two.
【作者单位】: 中国东方资产管理公司;中国电信股份有限公司北京分公司;航天科工财务公司;中国航空工业经济技术研究院财务管理部;


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