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发布时间:2018-03-20 14:48

  本文选题:餐饮企业 切入点:首次公开发行股票 出处:《河南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文首先通过对国家统计局的统计数据,中国餐饮百强企业经营数据等资料的分析,从餐饮行业规模及增长速度、行业集中度及品牌发展、行业政策环境三个方面,描述了目前国内餐饮行业的发展情况,并据此提出国内餐饮行业的发展趋势。 结合目前国内餐饮行业经营环境的变化,研究餐饮企业上市融资的动机,提出上市融资对企业发展具有推动作用,,通过上市融资的途径可以帮助国内餐饮企业消除或减缓在迅速扩张过程中可能出现的一些问题,并提出上市融资是国内餐饮企业实施发展战略过程中的一种重要手段。 其次通过对国内餐饮行业上市融资情况的总体研究和具体的数据比对,提出相对于目前餐饮行业的上市融资现状,未来餐饮行业上市还存在很大的空间。根据三家分别在不同上市地上市的餐饮企业的财务指标,通过对市盈率、融资成本、审批程序等方面的研究,分别指出在内地、香港和美国三个不同上市地点上市的优缺点。为有上市诉求的餐饮企业根据自身情况选择上市地提供决策支持。并通过对俏江南IPO失败案例的研究,为欲上市餐饮企业提供借鉴,降低上市失败风险。 随后,本文根据前文对国内餐饮行业发展现状及上市融资状况的分析,总结归纳出餐饮企业上市难的症结所在,并依据不同的问题提出了对策。为欲上市餐饮企业提供参考。 最后,从风险管理的角度出发,提出餐饮企业上市后可能面临的一系列风险,包括市场风险、信息披露风险等。并提出控制这些风险所应采取的策略,为餐饮企业的持续发展提供帮助。
[Abstract]:Through the analysis of the statistics data of the National Bureau of Statistics and the management data of the top 100 enterprises in China, this paper analyzes the scale and growth rate of the catering industry, the concentration of the industry and the development of the brand, and the policy environment of the industry. This paper describes the development of domestic catering industry and puts forward the development trend of domestic catering industry. According to the changes of domestic catering business environment, this paper studies the motivation of listed financing of catering enterprises, and points out that listing financing has a promoting effect on the development of enterprises. The way of listed financing can help domestic catering enterprises to eliminate or slow down some problems that may appear in the process of rapid expansion, and put forward that listing financing is an important means for domestic catering enterprises to carry out the development strategy. Secondly, through the overall research and specific data comparison of the domestic catering industry listing financing situation, the paper puts forward the current situation of listed financing in the catering industry. There is still a lot of room for the future listing of the catering industry. According to the financial indicators of the three catering enterprises listed in different listed places, through the study of the price-earnings ratio, the financing cost, the examination and approval process, and so on, it is pointed out separately in the mainland. The advantages and disadvantages of listing in three different places in Hong Kong and the United States. For listed catering enterprises to provide reference to reduce the risk of listing failure. Then, according to the analysis of domestic catering industry development and listed financing, this paper summarizes the crux of the difficulty of catering enterprises listing, and puts forward the countermeasures according to different problems, and provides a reference for the listed catering enterprises. Finally, from the point of view of risk management, this paper puts forward a series of risks that food and beverage enterprises may face after listing, including market risks, information disclosure risks, and the strategies to be adopted to control these risks. To provide assistance for the sustainable development of catering enterprises.


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