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发布时间:2018-03-21 13:36

  本文选题:华锐风电 切入点:公司内部治理 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The financial report is the carrier which the listed company discloses the financial condition and the operating result, and is the main basis for the outside investor to make the investment. In recent years, the phenomenon of financial restatement called the "annual report patch" has become more and more serious. The so-called financial restatement means that when an enterprise discovers and corrects errors in its previous financial reports, Restatement of previously published financial reports. The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) considers the financial restatement to be a performance of low-quality accounting information, which is the result of deficiencies in corporate governance mechanisms and inefficiencies in corporate governance. It is necessary to study the influence mechanism of internal governance on financial restatement, which can help to improve the quality of financial information and reduce the possibility of financial restatement. Sinovel Wind Power issued a notice to correct the company's errors, admitting that accounting errors existed in the accounting handling of the company's financial statements on 2011. On May 29th of the same year, the company was suspected of violating securities laws and regulations, This article selects the typical case of Sinovel wind power company, based on agency theory and stakeholder theory, Through the financial restatement case of Sinovel wind power company, the financial restatement of Sinovel wind power caused by improper revenue recognition is discussed. Combining the internal governance of the company with the restatement of financial report, the paper analyzes the influence of board characteristics, equity structure, executive compensation and internal control on financial restatement of Sinovel Wind Power. Through the case study of Sinovel wind power, it is found that the internal governance defects of the company will increase the possibility of financial restatement. In the face of the increasingly serious financial restatement problem, on the one hand, The government should make great efforts to improve the financial restatement system and strengthen the supervision of information disclosure of listed companies. On the other hand, enterprises should actively improve the internal governance mechanism. Only through the improvement of external regulatory environment and internal governance structure can we effectively curb the financial fraud of company executives and promote the perfection of capital market.


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