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发布时间:2018-03-25 14:12

  本文选题:中小型连锁超市 切入点:物流成本 出处:《中国石油大学(华东)》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国经济的迅速发展,为连锁超市行业创造了快速发展的有利条件,但也使得连锁超市行业面临巨大的挑战。新兴超市不断涌入快速消费品领域,对原有超市造成了极大的冲击,特别是中小型连锁超市,地位日益受到威胁,利润空间越来越小。众所周知,物流成本作为一种隐性成本,可以为超市带来“第三利润”,是超市赢得竞争优势的有力武器,找到超市物流成本管理方面存在的问题并进行优化,是增加超市利润和增强超市竞争力的有力保障。 本文以胜大连锁超市作为中小型连锁超市的代表,探讨其物流成本优化的途径。首先运用文献阅读发梳理了国内外连锁超市物流成本管理的相关理论。其次,分析胜大超市的物流现状,发现目前胜大超市物流成本管理中存在一些不容忽视的问题:物流配送成本居高不下;物流配送隐性成本高;仓储成本较高;交易成本较高。然后深入剖析了问题产生的原因:物流成本管理和核算方法不科学,物流设施和信息系统不完善,物流流程标准化和规范化程度较低、员工物流意识和专业素质较低是主要的因素。最后,基于问题,结合实际,提出了优化胜大超市物流成本管理的对策,包括优化物流管理方法,改进物流核算体系,加快超市物流设施和冷链发展,完善物流信息系统,提高标准化和规范化水平,提高员工物流意识和物流管理水平等。
[Abstract]:The rapid economic development of our country has created favorable conditions for the rapid development of the supermarket chain industry, but also made the chain supermarket industry face enormous challenges. It has caused a great impact on the original supermarket, especially the small and medium-sized supermarket chain, whose status is increasingly threatened, and the profit space is becoming smaller and smaller. As we all know, logistics cost is a kind of hidden cost. It can bring "the third profit" for the supermarket, it is a powerful weapon for the supermarket to win the competitive advantage. To find out the problems existing in the management of the supermarket's logistics cost and to carry on the optimization, is the powerful guarantee to increase the supermarket's profit and enhance the supermarket's competitiveness. This paper takes Shengda supermarket as the representative of small and medium-sized chain supermarkets, and discusses the ways to optimize its logistics cost. Firstly, it combs the relevant theories of logistics cost management of chain supermarkets at home and abroad by literature reading. Secondly, it discusses the related theories of logistics cost management of chain supermarkets at home and abroad. By analyzing the current situation of logistics in Shengda supermarket, it is found that there are some problems that can not be ignored in the management of logistics cost of Shengda supermarket: high cost of logistics distribution, high hidden cost of logistics distribution, high cost of storage and storage. The causes of the problems are analyzed deeply: the methods of logistics cost management and accounting are not scientific, the logistics facilities and information systems are not perfect, and the degree of standardization and standardization of logistics process is low. The low logistics consciousness and professional quality of employees are the main factors. Finally, based on the problem and the reality, the paper puts forward the countermeasures of optimizing the logistics cost management of Shengda supermarket, including optimizing the logistics management method, improving the logistics accounting system. Accelerate the development of supermarket logistics facilities and cold chain, perfect logistics information system, improve standardization and standardization level, improve staff logistics awareness and logistics management level.


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