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发布时间:2018-03-26 08:00

  本文选题:铝工业 切入点:上市公司 出处:《河南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China has established the strategic policy of giving priority to the development of aluminum in the nonferrous metal industry, and the aluminum industry has developed rapidly. China has now become the largest country in aluminum production and consumption in the world, forming a comprehensive layout. However, under the influence of the macroeconomic environment, problems such as overcapacity and low prices are hampering the healthy development of the aluminum industry as a whole. In industrial policies and planning, the state has eliminated the poor and the best in energy conservation and emission reduction. Speeding up the transformation is the main task of the development of aluminum industry. Various reasons lead to intensified competition within the industry, and many aluminum industry enterprises are in poor financial situation or even in financial distress. How to improve the level of financial management and financial competitiveness of enterprises has become an important concern of aluminum industry enterprises. The exploration of this problem has certain practical significance for the healthy development and the improvement of the competitiveness of the aluminum industry in China. This paper takes the financial competitiveness as the angle of view to analyze the problems. Select 20 domestic aluminum industry listed companies as the object of empirical research. First, combing the domestic and foreign research results on the competitiveness of enterprises, financial competitiveness, This paper defines the concept and connotation of the financial competitiveness of the listed companies of aluminum industry, further studies the forming mechanism and evaluation methods of the financial competitiveness, and then based on the general situation of the development of the aluminum industry in China and the industrial competitive environment, To establish a more suitable evaluation system of financial competitiveness of listed companies in aluminum industry, and choose factor analysis as the evaluation method; Finally, the empirical study on the financial competitiveness of listed companies in aluminum industry is carried out. The results show that the assets structure of the integrated enterprises of industrial chain is unreasonable, the financial risk is large, and the lack of financial support is the important reason for the decline of financial competitiveness. The operation ability plays a key role in improving the financial competitiveness of listed companies. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions for improving the financial competitiveness of listed companies in aluminum industry, including strengthening the financial security and improving the ability of financial risk management. Strengthen the main business management, reasonable formulation of financial strategies.


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