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发布时间:2018-03-28 13:14

  本文选题:微型金融机构 切入点:社会目标 出处:《北京工商大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:自20世纪70年代尤努斯建立孟加拉乡村银行之后,微型金融业在全球范围内得到了快速发展,其服务宗旨是为缺乏金融资源的贫困人群和边缘人群提供金融服务,这就是微型金融机构的社会目标。然而,早期的微型金融机构由于依赖政府补贴与捐赠,,不注重机构自身的财务可持续性,导致许多微型金融项目产生大量坏账,难以持续运营,由此微型金融机构开始重视财务绩效。而微型金融机构在追求财务可持续性的过程中又出现了目标偏离的问题。 我国微型金融业起步较晚,但发展较快,在帮助贫困农户发展生产以脱贫、缓解农村金融资源供求紧张状况和农村金融体制改革等方面都发挥了重要的作用,而它们也同样面临着财务可持续性不高和目标偏离等问题。 随着微型金融业的迅速发展,国内外微型金融机构都逐步走上了商业化之路,这使得微型金融机构要同时兼顾社会目标与财务目标面临巨大的挑战。两大目标间的关系因此成为理论界和实务界关心的重要问题,这正是本文要研究的问题。首先,本文通过建立理论模型,对双重目标的互动关系进行了规范的理论分析,结果发现双重目标的关系存在不确定性,在一定条件下可以相互促进;其次,本文选取国内外微型金融机构作为样本,建立联立方程模型对其进行统计分析和计量分析,检验微型金融机构双重目标之间的关系,证实双重目标存在相互协调的可能。最后,本文对我国微型金融机构在双重目标约束下的可持续发展提出了相应的政策建议。
[Abstract]:Since the establishment of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh by Yunus in the 1970s, microfinance has grown rapidly globally to provide financial services to poor and marginalized people who lack financial resources. This is the social goal of MFIs. However, early microfinance institutions, relying on government subsidies and donations, did not focus on the financial sustainability of the institutions themselves, resulting in a large amount of bad debts in many microfinance projects. Because of the difficulty of sustainable operation, microfinance institutions begin to attach importance to financial performance. However, in the process of pursuing financial sustainability, there is a problem of misdirection of objectives in the process of pursuing financial sustainability. China's micro-finance started late, but developed rapidly. It has played an important role in helping poor farmers develop production to get rid of poverty, ease the shortage of rural financial resources supply and demand, and reform the rural financial system. And they are also faced with financial sustainability and target deviation and other problems. With the rapid development of micro-finance, domestic and foreign micro-financial institutions have gradually embarked on the road of commercialization. Therefore, the relationship between the two goals has become an important concern of the theoretical and practical circles. This is precisely the problem to be studied in this paper. By establishing a theoretical model, this paper makes a normative theoretical analysis of the interaction of dual objectives. The results show that there is uncertainty in the relationship of dual objectives, which can promote each other under certain conditions. This paper selects the domestic and foreign microfinancial institutions as the sample, establishes the simultaneous equation model to carry on the statistical analysis and the econometric analysis to it, examines the relationship between the two objectives of the micro-financial institutions, and proves the possibility of the coordination of the double targets. This paper puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations for the sustainable development of China's microfinancial institutions under the constraint of dual objectives.


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