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发布时间:2018-03-28 21:40

  本文选题:连锁零售 切入点:现金流量管理 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The supermarket, whose main business is the purchase, sale and storage of goods, has frequent turnover of funds. From purchase to sale, it can be regarded as a circulation process of cash. In the process of operation, the cash owned by the enterprise is a double-edged sword, if it is managed properly, It will attract more business opportunities and vitality for enterprises, otherwise it will become the fuse of bankruptcy, so "cash as king" becomes the financial philosophy of many enterprises. By deeply analyzing the main aspects and processes of supermarket production and operation activities, timely, accurately, and comprehensively reflecting the capital information of business activities, we can effectively improve the efficiency of the use of funds and reduce the loopholes in management. So that there is neither surplus nor shortage of funds in each link, so as to reach the state of reasonable utilization, so that the profitability and solvency of the enterprise can be achieved. This paper first introduces the related concepts and theoretical basis of cash flow management, and then analyzes the characteristics and management characteristics of this enterprise. Then combining with the actual situation of Zhongbai Group to describe the operating situation and analyze the ratio characteristics of the cash flow index from the sales situation, the paper points out the possible cash flow management problems of Zhongbai Group, such as the lack of the ability to obtain cash flow. Profit quality is weak, solvency is not high. For these problems, according to the specific characteristics of Zhongbai Group, from the development strategy and cash flow management model two aspects of the proposal. In the development strategy, After a long period of development, Zhongbai Group has a stable development market in the retail chain industry. However, due to the slow growth in income levels, the growth of consumption power has slowed, and the amount of large and large consumption has decreased. The lack of active consumer policy support and the combination of multiple factors, such as the impact of the Internet on physical store sales, led to the lowest growth rate in retail chain sales. Therefore, it is suitable for the defensive cash strategy. In the management mode, for the characteristics of chain management, such as more stores, wide business scope, scattered area, strong commodity realisation ability, difficult management coordination and so on, advance prediction and control in the event are put forward. An ex post feedback strategy.


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