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发布时间:2018-03-31 10:18

  本文选题:物流运输 切入点:成本 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2005年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着物流在中国的发展,物流开始在经济生活中推广运用,并引起了社会各界广泛的关注。物流已经被称为“第三利润的源泉”。根据我国加入WTO的承诺,物流和服务是最早开放的行业之一。物流运输是物流的一个中心环节,物流运输成本在物流总成本中占有很重要的位置。 本文是通过对物流运输成本的现状及构成分析研究,发现造成物流成本较高的原因,提出解决对策,最后通过建立模型,运用运筹学方法中的规划论,研究物流合理化问题,尽量避免运输路线上成本的无谓浪费,避免空驶,提高运作效率,从而实现成本的研究。 本论文分为五部分: 第一部分是物流运输成本研究概述。从以下六个方面进行阐述:1.物流运输成本的基本范畴;2.研究物流运输成本优化的目的和意义;3.本论文的研究方法(运筹学、线性规划论,基本模型设计);4.国内外研究的历史与现状;5.本论文的主要内容与本人观点;6.本论文的局限 第二、三、四部分,分别研究直达供货系统下,中转供货系统下,运力约束供货系统下的物流运输成本优化的研究。在运量和运价一定的情况下,如何规划运输路线的问题。 第五部分是供应链运输成本研究模型。在不考虑运价的情况下,如何进行网络设计,使运输路线最短。
[Abstract]:With the development of logistics in China, logistics has been popularized and applied in economic life.Logistics has been called "the third source of profit."According to the promise of China's entry into WTO, logistics and service is one of the earliest open industries.Logistics transportation is a central link of logistics. Logistics transportation cost plays an important role in the total logistics cost.Based on the analysis of the present situation and composition of logistics transportation cost, this paper finds out the causes of high logistics cost, and puts forward some countermeasures. Finally, by establishing the model and using the planning theory in the method of operational research, the paper studies the problem of logistics rationalization.The study of cost is realized by avoiding unnecessary waste of cost on transportation route, avoiding idle driving and improving operation efficiency.This paper is divided into five parts:The first part is the summary of logistics transportation cost research.There are six ways to explain this: 1.The basic category of logistics transportation cost.Research on the purpose and significance of logistics transportation cost optimization.The research methods of this paper (operational research, linear programming theory, basic model design).The history and present situation of domestic and foreign research.The main content of this thesis and my point of view.Limitations of this thesisThe second, third and fourth parts, respectively, study the logistics transportation cost optimization under the direct supply system, the transit supply system and the transportation constrained supply system.The problem of how to plan the transportation route in the case of certain volume and tariff.The fifth part is the research model of supply chain transportation cost.How to design the network without considering the freight rate to make the transportation route shortest.


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2 冯晓娟;胡立德;;供应链下集并运输的技术方法研究[J];物流技术;2007年02期

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2 冯晓娟;供应链环境下汽车零部件集并运输的研究[D];重庆大学;2007年

3 柴天姿;基于系统动力学的第三方物流成本建模与仿真研究[D];河北工业大学;2006年




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