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发布时间:2018-03-31 23:16

  本文选题:长江航道 切入点:整治建筑物 出处:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国水运资源丰富,随着我国水运航道的不断发展,长江干线已成为世界上通货量最大、运输最为繁忙的通航河流,它对促进流域的经济协调发展发挥了重要作用。 然而,随着近几年一批高等级航道网的陆续建成,长江航道整治建筑物数量急剧上升,导致长江航道整治建筑物的维护工作量大幅增加,但长江航道整治建筑物的维护经费未能同比例提高,造成资金缺口加大,很大程度上制约了内河航道潜力的发挥。如何管理好、维护好航道整治工程设施,充分发挥内河航道的经济效益以及社会效益,是社会各界和有关部门越来越关心的问题。可以预计,今后一段时期我国航道建设的重点将从以新建为主逐步转为建设与维护并举进而过渡到以维护为主的阶段。如何合理使用有限的航道维护资金,制定科学合理的维护项目投资决策,在保证航道维护质量和服务水平的基础上,科学预测长江航道整治建筑物的维护费用,已成为当前内河航道维护管理中—个迫切需要解决的问题。 笔者在整理国内外专家学者的相关研究的基础上,归纳总结出长江航道整治建筑物的内容及特点。通过调研长江航道局的经费现状以及经费支出特点,探讨目前长江航道整治建筑物维护经费的使用及未来需求总额的情况,对支出项目进行数据分析,指出影响项目的主要因素,并对其进行回归分析,提出长江航道整治建筑物经费测算模型。最后,对长江航道局2011年长江航道整治建筑物维护经费进行测算分析,检验模型,分析误差原因最终得出结论。
[Abstract]:China is rich in water transportation resources. With the continuous development of waterway, the Yangtze River has become the largest and busiest navigable river in the world, which plays an important role in promoting the coordinated economic development of the river basin. However, with the completion of a number of high-grade waterway networks in recent years, the number of waterway regulation buildings in the Yangtze River has increased sharply, resulting in a substantial increase in the maintenance workload of the Yangtze waterway regulation buildings. However, the maintenance expenses of the Yangtze River waterway regulation buildings have not been increased in the same proportion, resulting in an increase in the funding gap, which to a large extent restricts the development of the inland waterway potential. How to manage and maintain the waterway regulation engineering facilities, Giving full play to the economic and social benefits of inland waterways is an issue of growing concern to all sectors of society and relevant departments. It can be predicted that. In the coming period, the emphasis of waterway construction in China will gradually change from construction and maintenance to maintenance-oriented. How to use the limited waterway maintenance funds reasonably? To formulate scientific and reasonable investment decisions for maintenance projects, and to scientifically predict the maintenance costs of the Yangtze River waterway renovation buildings on the basis of ensuring the waterway maintenance quality and service level. It has become an urgent problem in the maintenance and management of inland waterway. On the basis of sorting out the relevant research of experts and scholars at home and abroad, the author sums up the contents and characteristics of the Yangtze River waterway regulation building. This paper probes into the use of the funds for the maintenance of the Yangtze River waterway regulation buildings and the future total demand, analyzes the data of the expenditure items, points out the main factors affecting the projects, and makes regression analysis on the expenditure items. Finally, the cost of Yangtze River waterway renovation in 2011 is calculated and analyzed, the model is checked, and the error reasons are analyzed.


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