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发布时间:2018-04-01 21:39

  本文选题:JXSBD公司 切入点:财务 出处:《南昌大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济的快速发展,企业“依法治企”改革的不断深化,同时社会各界对于国有垄断行业的关注度不断升高,,而本文要研究的是国家电网公司直属的大型电网建设施工型企业—“JXSBD建设公司”的财务管理策略。电网建设企业要在不断变革的、竞争激烈的市场环境中生存与发展,企业的管理制度、模式、水平日趋需要和国际一流企业的各种管理口径对比、接轨。而就目前的现状来看,国内就如何提高电网建设企业的财务管理水平研究大多还停留在理论状态,缺乏理论和实践的融合,缺少具体的可行性措施。 本文在基于当前电网建设企业发展大环境的背景基础上,从财务管理策略研究的角度出发,根据电网建设企业财务管理的特点,结合JXSBD建设公司的财务管理中存在的一些问题,就如何增强预算科学;精益、优化经济资源配置;如何加强价值链与业务链融合;如何健全内控机制,加强财务工作对公司各项经济活动的统筹管理;如何优化财务绩效考核指标,并建立、健全财务考核压力向业务分解传导机制;如何强化财务管理策略保障实施等方面做一些具体的改进设想和方案设计。希望能对电网建设企业的财务管理做一些有益的研究、尝试和探索。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, enterprises continue to deepen the reform of corporate governance "in accordance with the law, and the social from all walks of life for the state-owned monopoly industry attention is rising, and the paper is to study the national Power Grid Corp directly under the large-scale power grid construction enterprise JXSBD construction company financial management of power grid construction enterprises in the strategy. The constant change, survival and development in the fierce market competition environment, the enterprise management system, mode, and the international first-class enterprise level increasingly need a variety of management standards. Caliber comparison, and on the current status quo of view, the domestic is still in the theoretical research status on how to improve the financial management level of power grid construction enterprises, the lack of integration of theory and practice, the lack of feasibility of specific measures.
In this paper based on the background of the current power grid construction enterprise development environment, from the perspective of financial management strategy research, according to the characteristics of the financial management of power grid construction enterprises, with some problems existing in the financial management of JXSBD construction company, how to enhance the scientific budget; lean, optimal allocation of economic resources; how to strengthen the value chain and business chain integration; how to improve the internal control mechanism, strengthen financial management work on the economic activities of the company; how to optimize the financial performance evaluation index, and establish a sound financial assessment, pressure conduction mechanism decomposition to business; how to strengthen the financial management strategy to ensure the implementation etc. some suggestions and concrete project. Hope useful the study of financial management of power grid construction enterprises, and try to explore.



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