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发布时间:2018-04-02 03:07

  本文选题:煤贸中小企业 切入点:煤炭质押融资 出处:《吉林大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:2013年以来,受国内宏观经济增速放缓、国际经济复苏乏力的影响,煤炭市场供给整体相对宽松,产业链中各环节库存压力较大,下游耗煤需求不旺。同时,进口煤对国内煤炭市场价格的产生较大冲击,使国内煤炭价格呈现持续下行的走势。煤贸行业的中小企业盈利空间明显压缩,部分企业亏损加剧,信用环境恶化,在商业银行形成大量风险案件。部分商业银行不得不采取收缩、退出的授信政策,使身处困境的煤贸中小企业雪上加霜。在此背景下,为解决商业银行和煤贸中小企业面临的信贷融资困境,本文主要采用文献研究、案例分析、归纳演绎以及模糊综合评价等方法,针对煤炭质押融资这一新型融资产品的风险识别方法及风险控制措施进行了深入研究和探讨,以期对改善煤炭贸易中小企业信贷融资问题提供一定的理论意义及实践价值。 本文在详尽介绍煤炭质押融资业务的相关概念后,首先阐述了商业银行向煤炭贸易行业中小企业发放以煤炭质押为主要担保方式的融资业务时所存在的信用风险主要包括行业风险、担保风险、道德风险以及操作风险等,并介绍了此类业务开展过程中,包括贷前调查、贷中操作以及贷后检查等三个阶段各自不同的风险识别方法。其次,通过紧扣煤炭质押融资业务的风险特点,适当参考西方发达国家较为成熟的商业银行信用风险管理设计理念,并结合我国现有国情,从宏观和微观两方面入手,为此类业务量身定制了具体的风险管控措施。最后,本文分通过两个煤炭质押融资业务的实际案例为例,分析商业银行在发展煤炭质押融资业务过程中如何通过严格的贷前审查及完善的贷中、贷后管理,对具体业务中的信用风险进行准确识别和有效控制,做到此类业务的风险可控。从而较好的证明了,煤炭质押融资业务是一种适合于煤贸中小企业的有效融资模式,不仅降低了融资企业和商业银行所面临的信用风险,同时使得企业的闲置资源得到了有效利用,资金使用效率得以提高,,财务成本随之降低,最终使其竞争力得到了增强;同时丰富了商业银行针对中小企业的融资产品线,进一步加强了商业银行在“融资脱媒”大环境下的竞争力。
[Abstract]:Since 2013, the coal market supply has been relatively loose, due to the slowdown of the domestic macroeconomic growth rate and the weak recovery of the international economy, the inventory pressure in each link of the industrial chain is relatively large, and the downstream coal consumption demand is not flourishing.At the same time, the imported coal has a great impact on the domestic coal market price, which makes the domestic coal price show a downward trend.The profit space of small and medium-sized enterprises in coal trade industry is obviously compressed, some enterprises' losses are aggravated, the credit environment deteriorates, and a large number of risk cases are formed in commercial banks.Some commercial banks have to take the credit policy of shrinking and withdrawing, making the plight of small and medium-sized coal trade worse.In this context, in order to solve the credit financing dilemma faced by commercial banks and small and medium-sized coal trade enterprises, this paper mainly adopts the methods of literature research, case analysis, inductive deduction and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, etc.In this paper, the risk identification method and risk control measures of coal pledge financing, a new type of financing product, are studied and discussed in order to provide certain theoretical and practical value for improving the credit financing problem of small and medium-sized enterprises in coal trade.After introducing the related concepts of coal pledge financing business in detail,First of all, the paper expounds the credit risk existing when commercial banks issue financing business with coal pledge as the main guarantee to small and medium-sized enterprises in coal trade industry, including industry risk, guarantee risk, moral hazard and operation risk, etc.This paper also introduces three different risk identification methods in the process of this kind of business, including pre-loan investigation, loan operation and post-credit inspection.Secondly, according to the risk characteristics of coal pledge financing business, referring to the more mature commercial bank credit risk management design concept of western developed countries, and combining the existing situation of our country, starting from macro and micro aspects.Specific risk management measures have been tailored for this type of business.Finally, through two actual cases of coal pledge financing business, this paper analyzes how commercial banks manage after loan through strict pre-loan examination and perfect loan management in the process of developing coal pledge financing business.The credit risk in the specific business can be accurately identified and effectively controlled, and the risk of this kind of business can be controlled.Thus, it is well proved that the financing business of coal pledge is an effective financing mode suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises in coal trade, which not only reduces the credit risk faced by financing enterprises and commercial banks,At the same time, the idle resources of enterprises have been effectively utilized, the efficiency of capital use has been improved, the financial cost has been reduced, and finally the competitiveness of enterprises has been enhanced. At the same time, the commercial banks have enriched the financing product lines for small and medium-sized enterprises.It further strengthens the competitiveness of commercial banks in the "financing disintermediation" environment.


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