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发布时间:2018-04-03 11:26

  本文选题:电子行业 切入点:投资价值 出处:《天津财经大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since twenty-first Century to enter the era of science and technology, electronic products have emerged, people's life and work become more and more dependent on Electronic Science and technology, people grow with each passing day demand led to the development of the electronics industry, it has become the leading industry of state-owned economy, to a certain extent, a measure of a country's comprehensive national strength is the need to consider the electronic industry. The electronic industry listed companies as the basis, according to the characteristics of the electronics industry, a detailed analysis of China's electronic industry in the future developing trend and market prospect. Based on the theory of value investment market, using factor analysis method to analyze China's electronics industry investment value of listed companies, countermeasures and suggestions to enhance the investment value of the electronics industry this paper details are also given. Industry analysis theory, using 57 representative of the securities company data, simulates the electronic index, Through precise calculation to estimate the risk of the electronic index. Factor analysis empirical analysis results show that the load capacity factor of the development of the electronics industry, illustrate the potential for future development of electronic industry is large, although profitability is not too high, but in the future there is still a big rise in space. The load factor of risk control in the electronics industry the industry, subject to market fluctuation is large, investors in a greater risk of the industry. In addition, the electronic business ability still needs to be improved. In conclusion, the electronics industry is a future high growth industry, but in the process of growing up is still facing various market risks, but the profitability and operating capacity the industry also has the very big promotion space.



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