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发布时间:2018-04-04 20:55

  本文选题:财务管理环境 切入点:农村财务管理 出处:《湖南农业大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Financial management is a practical activity under certain environmental conditions.Under the condition of market economy, the financial management environment has the characteristics of complex composition and rapid change, which has great influence on the financial management work.At the same time, the change of financial management environment will inevitably affect the concept of financial management, and the theory and practice of financial management will change accordingly.China's rural financial management is no exception, in the actual management activities will also be affected by the rural financial management environment.Therefore, to strengthen the rural financial management, we must pay attention to the study of rural financial management environment.At present, due to the existence of some objective and practical conditions, in most rural financial management, the quality of financial disclosure is not high, the rural collective asset management is chaotic, and some village cadres have weak legal consciousness.A series of problems, such as insufficient supervision, have seriously restricted and hindered the development of the rural economy, become the bottleneck of the rural economic development, and have seriously affected the development of the Party, the cadres and the masses, and the development of various undertakings in rural areas.Has caused some rural social instability factor.From the point of view of management environment, through the systematic study of rural financial management environment and financial management activities, we can correctly understand the historical law and development trend of rural financial management development.It is necessary to grasp the environmental characteristics of rural financial management activities accurately, to correctly understand the various factors that affect financial management, and to continuously enhance the adaptability of rural financial management.This is the basis for doing a good job in rural financial management.At the same time, we should strengthen the education, supervision and control of rural financial management, further standardize the work of rural financial management in terms of financial audit, supervision, and improvement of the quality of rural financial management personnel, and further promote the development of the rural economy.Building a good financial management environment in rural areas is an important subject worth studying.This paper summarizes the research on rural financial management and financial environment at home and abroad, mainly on the actual problems in Hunan rural financial management environment and management activities, and analyzes the present situation of Hunan rural economy.The problems and causes of rural financial management are put forward.The main content revolves around the financial management, the financial management environment and the financial management information collection aspect unfolds gradually, draws the following conclusion: the financial management environment is constantly developing and changing, with the change of the times, under the complex dynamic environment,The financial management environment also needs to advance and develop in good time. There will also be some defects in the change and development of the financial management environment. Therefore, the influence of the financial management environment on the financial management can be divided into good and bad, and it can be used in practice.The main body should be able to optimize the environment correctly. 3. With the development of the financial management environment, the main body should obtain the useful financial management information for the country and the rural financial environment, and realize the maximum value of the rural financial environment.


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