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发布时间:2018-04-06 00:36

  本文选题:管理会计体系 切入点:应用管理会计 出处:《财会通讯》2015年01期

[Abstract]:In the spring of Chinese management accounting, I think it is beginning.Li Jianqing, president of the Shanghai National Accounting Institute, told a high-level seminar on "Management Accounting: global experience and China practice" that the guidance of the Ministry of Finance on comprehensively promoting the construction of the management accounting system had just been officially published.Different from the "abstract route" of understanding and exploring the importance of management accounting, the seminar brought together top managers of multinational enterprises and local enterprises in China to share the advanced experience of world famous enterprises in applying management accounting.From the point of view of Chinese enterprises, this paper analyzes the experience and deficiency of the application of management accounting in local enterprises, and probes into the future development of management accounting in China.


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