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发布时间:2018-04-27 04:15

  本文选题:乌拉特中旗 + 肉羊养殖 ; 参考:《内蒙古农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:乌拉特中旗肉羊业是改变农业产业结构的重要推动力,是当地农牧民增加收入的重要途径。近几年来,乌拉特中旗的肉羊业得到了快速的发展,肉羊养殖逐步走向科学化、规模化、专业化、组织化生产的道路,,肉羊养殖带动了地方经济的发展,提高了农牧民的收入水平。但是肉羊业在快速发展的同时也在养殖中也存在着很多的问题有待解决,因此如何解决养殖中的问题,提高肉羊养殖的效益,促进肉羊业的发展对发展当地经济,增加当地农牧民收入的有着重要的意义。 本文运用了比较优势理论、成本收益理论等相关理论,通过对乌拉特中旗肉羊自繁自育与架子羊育肥、全舍饲与半舍饲饲养方式及不同的肉羊饲养品种进行了成本收益比较分析,找出肉羊养殖中存在的问题,如饲料成本不断增长,周转资金缺乏,人工费用上涨等问题,对于成本收益的比较优势及存在的问题,提出了一些降低肉羊生产的成本,提高养殖经济效益的建议及对策。
[Abstract]:The meat sheep industry is an important driving force to change the structure of agricultural industry and an important way for local farmers and herdsmen to increase their income. In recent years, the meat sheep industry in the middle flag of Wulat has developed rapidly, and the breeding of meat sheep has gradually moved toward the road of scientific, large-scale, specialized and organized production. Meat sheep farming has led to the development of the local economy. The income level of farmers and herdsmen has been raised. However, while the meat sheep industry is developing rapidly, there are also many problems to be solved in the breeding process. Therefore, how to solve the problems in the breeding process, improve the efficiency of the meat sheep breeding, and promote the development of the meat sheep industry will contribute to the development of the local economy. It is of great significance to increase the income of local farmers and herdsmen. Based on the theory of comparative advantage and the theory of cost and income, this paper makes use of the self-breeding and fattening of the beef sheep in the middle flag of Wulat, and fattening the sheep on the shelf. In this paper, the cost and income of whole house feeding and semi house feeding and different breeds of meat sheep were compared and analyzed, and the problems existed in meat sheep breeding were found out, such as the increasing feed cost, the shortage of working capital, the rising labor cost and so on. For the comparative advantage of cost and income and the existing problems, some suggestions and countermeasures are put forward to reduce the cost of meat sheep production and improve the economic benefit of breeding.


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