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发布时间:2018-04-27 15:27

  本文选题:私募股权投资 + 价值评估 ; 参考:《西北大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, capital market, the emergence of a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the rapid development of various industries, coupled with the value of enterprise investment and the emergence of the wealth effect. Make our country private equity investment industry also got further development. Private equity investment is a kind of equity investment, mainly aimed at non-listed companies and enterprises, it is to raise funds through the form of private equity, and hand over to the special management organization to invest or operate, finally obtain the investment income. Before investing, we often need to evaluate the value of the enterprise first, and after the evaluation, we need to adjust the valuation results. At this time, the gambling agreement appears, and the essence of the gambling agreement is a valuation adjustment mechanism. It is based on the two parties to the business expectations of different bets. First of all, this paper will make a brief introduction to three kinds of enterprise value evaluation methods and make a conclusion on their applicability and limitations. Through the selection of the above appropriate valuation methods to evaluate the Xi'an Boshen (known as Xi'an Boshen Coal Mine Safety Technology Co., Ltd.), at the same time, this paper will use two methods to evaluate the value of the company, that is, income approach and market approach. DCF model is mainly used in income approach, and horizontal comparison is used in market method. Secondly, the ownership structure, management team, development history, financial situation, operating situation, industry development prospect of the company are investigated in detail. Finally, the profit situation within three years is calculated by using DCF model, and evaluated according to the forecast. At the same time, the listed companies in the capital market are selected, and the valuation results of the two methods are used for reference, and the differences of the results are analyzed. Third, the equity valuation results obtained above are adjusted, the gambling agreement is introduced, and the valuation results of the first two valuation methods are combined to design the value adjustment scheme. And based on the gambling agreement put forward the risk of equity valuation and its control.


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