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发布时间:2018-04-27 16:53

  本文选题:茶树菇菌种 + 收益分析 ; 参考:《山东理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:现代农业是运用现代的科学技术和生产管理方法,对农业进行规模化、集约化、市场化的生产活动,近年来,国家高度重视现代农业,特别是以设施农业为代表的现代农业。其中,2006年中央一号文件明确提出用现代农业来强化社会主义新农村建设的产业支撑,并对农村和农业资金投入要实行“三个高于”的政策,指出各级政府要加大对现代农业的资金投入,2007年中央一号文件在2006年的基础上进一步明确“发展现代农业是建设社会主义新农村的首要任务”。2008年中央一号文件又进一步强调要增加农业投入,加强农业基础设施的投入,走中国特色的农业现代化道路。2009年中央一号文件再次明确的提出要“强化现代农业物质支撑和服务体系”。2012年中央一号文件又再一次强调确保“三个优势”。可见,,中央对发展现代农业高度重视,这为现代农业的发展创造了良好的政策环境。 GD公司是一家专业从事食用菌菌种繁育、栽培技术推广、产品深加工集“研、产、销”为一体的科技型民营企业。经过几年的发展,GD公司已经形成了以食用菌种植和深加工为主导产业的生产、销售和加工为一体的经营格局。公司在生产过程中采取多项自主发明专利技术,取得了较好的经济效益与社会效益。本文以GD公司茶树菇菌种投资经营项目为研究对象,对其可行性进行系统研究,取得了以下研究成果: 首先,通过对国内外食用菌行业的产业政策、行业环境、区域投资环境、区域市场环境进行分析,找到了目前茶树菇产业链中上游菌种供应不足、菌种质量参差不齐等直接影响茶树菇系列产品生产、贸易和深加工的因素,提出研究茶树菇菌种投资经营项目可行性研究的意义。其次,对GD公司自身情况、区域环境、行业环境、市场竞争环境、整体经营环境等进行了分析和评价,提出了GD公司茶树菇菌种投资经营建筑物的布局选址、建设方案设计、技术和设备选型,并根据农产品生产估算定额结合当前物价水平,对GD公司茶树菇菌种投资经营项目的投资额、经营成本、盈利能力和敏感性进行分析,评价了该投资经营项目的财务可行性。最后,从产业结构升级、带动当地经济发展、增加农民收入等方面对GD公司茶树菇菌种投资经营项目的社会效益进行了分析和评价,并从技术、经济、管理、环境、市场、投资风险等多维度提出了可行性结论与建议。
[Abstract]:Modern agriculture is a large-scale, intensive and market-oriented production activity with modern science and technology and production management methods. In recent years, the state attaches great importance to modern agriculture, especially modern agriculture represented by facility agriculture. Among them, document No. 1 of the Central Committee in 2006 explicitly proposed that modern agriculture should be used to strengthen the industrial support for the construction of a new socialist countryside, and that the policy of "three higher" should be applied to the investment of rural and agricultural funds. It is pointed out that governments at all levels should increase their investment in modern agriculture, and the 2007 document No. 1 of the Central Committee further clarified that "the development of modern agriculture is the primary task of building a new socialist countryside" on the basis of 2006. Emphasizing further the need to increase agricultural inputs, Strengthening investment in agricultural infrastructure, Take the road of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics. In 2009, the first document of the Central Committee once again explicitly proposed to "strengthen the material support and service system of modern agriculture." in 2012, the first document of the Central Committee once again emphasized the guarantee of "three advantages." Therefore, the central government attaches great importance to the development of modern agriculture, which creates a good policy environment for the development of modern agriculture. GD is a specialized in the breeding of edible fungi, cultivation technology promotion, product processing "research, production, marketing" as one of the private enterprises. After several years of development, the company has formed the production, sales and processing of edible fungus cultivation and deep processing as the leading industry. In the process of production, the company has adopted a number of independent invention patent technology, and achieved better economic and social benefits. This paper takes the investment and management project of tea mushroom strain of GD Company as the research object, carries on the systematic research to its feasibility, has obtained the following research results: First of all, through the analysis of the domestic and foreign edible fungus industry policy, industry environment, regional investment environment, regional market environment, found the current tea mushroom industry chain upstream supply of bacteria, The factors that affect the production, trade and deep processing of tea mushroom products are directly affected by the uneven quality of the fungus. The significance of the feasibility study on the investment and management project of tea mushroom is put forward. Secondly, the paper analyzes and evaluates GD company's own situation, regional environment, industry environment, market competition environment, overall operating environment, and puts forward the layout and location of the investment and management building of tea mushroom fungus in GD company, and the design of construction scheme. The selection of technology and equipment, and the analysis of the investment, operating cost, profitability and sensitivity of the investment and management project of tea mushroom strains in GD Company according to the production quota of agricultural products and the current price level. The financial feasibility of the investment and management project is evaluated. Finally, from the aspects of upgrading the industrial structure, promoting local economic development and increasing the income of farmers, the social benefits of the investment and management projects of tea mushroom strains in GD Company are analyzed and evaluated, and the technology, economy, management, environment, market, etc. The feasibility conclusion and suggestion of investment risk are put forward.


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