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发布时间:2018-04-30 19:09

  本文选题:中国商业银行 + 收益结构转型 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:商业银行的收益结构(revenue structure)是指银行各业务部门收益在总收益中所占的比例。按照姜建清(2006)的分类方法,可将其分为三个层次:收入结构(income structure)、利润结构(profit structure/earnings structure)、价值结构(value structure)。 本文旨在研究中国商业银行收益结构转型对银行绩效和风险的影响。而在商业银行收益结构的三个层次中,收入结构是最为直接、最为清晰的收益结构。利润结构与价值结构也很重要,但因其缺乏数据或不易直接度量,故而,本文从数据的可得性方面考虑,主要是想对第一个层次收益结构的研究,即:对商业银行收入结构的研究。商业银行收入主要包括利息收入和非利息收入,利息收入和非利息收入在总收入中的所占比重和相互关系构成了商业银行收入结构。 本文想通过实证研究回答的问题是:在我国商业银行收入结构转型的过程中,收入结构的变化怎样影响银行在绩效和风险方面的整体表现?而非利息收入占总收入的比重的上升是否已经对银行收益起到了一个提升作用,对银行的风险又有什么样的影响? 国内外学者关于非利息收入与商业银行绩效和风险关系的研究,主要分为两派观点。一种观点认为:非利息收入在增加银行收益的同时,使银行的收入来源多元化,改善了传统单一的收入结构,通过多样化分散了银行的风险。另一种相反的观点则认为,非利息收入对收益的正向影响是有限的,甚至并不能提高银行收益,反而会因为其较强的波动性降低银行的绩效。 具体而言,本文通过构造衡量银行收入多元化的指标DIV,衡量银行非利息收入水平的指标NIIOI, NFCOI,衡量银行绩效的指标ROA, ROE和衡量银行风险的指标ADZ,ADZP, ADZP1, ADZP2, SDROA, SDROE来进行回归分析。 本文的实证研究结果表明:NIIOI, DIV和NFCOI均对ROA有较显著的正影响, NIIOI,DIV和NFCOI的提高有利于提高ROA。即:中国商业银行收入结构的转型提高了银行的绩效(以ROA作为绩效指标)。具体而言,非利息收入占比,收入多元化指标和净手续费与佣金收入占比均对资产收益率有较显著的正影响。 但NIIOI和DIV均对ROE没有较显著的影响。加入了NIIOI的平方项后仍然如此。而NFCOI对ROE有较显著的正影响。NFCOI的提高有利于提高ROE。NFCOI可以反映商业银行非利息收入的结构。而在非利息收入中,主要包括:净手续费与佣金收入和投资净收益。对于这种回归结果的一种可能的解释是:非利息收入的内部结构差异可能会影响回归结果,因为指标NIIOI中并未体现这种内部结构差异,而更为细分的指标NFCOI却能 体现非利息收入的这种内部结构差异。所以,非利息收入占比,收入多元化指标均对资本收益率没有较显著的影响,但更为具体细分的指标净手续费与佣金收入占比却对资本收益率有较显著的正影响。 此外,MNIIOI和MDIV均对SDROA有较显著的正影响,但均对SDROE没有较显著的影响。同样,MNIIOI和MDIV均对ADZP1,ADZP2, ADZP有较显著的负影响,但均对ADZ没有较显著的影响。即:中国商业银行收入结构的转型增加了银行的风险(以SDROA, ADZP1,ADZP2,ADZP作为风险指标)。具体而言,增加了银行的资产组合风险和杠杆风险,但对银行的破产风险没有较显著的影响。 因此,在当前乃至未来的一段时期内,我国银行业应该继续发展非利息收入业务,拓宽收入来源,提高银行绩效。但是,同时应该根据业务发展规模和每个银行的实际情况合理选择非利息收入占比,在提高绩效的同时合理控制银行风险,不宜一味盲目模仿国际先进银行,有必要取消一些不合理,不科学,不符合实际的非利息收入占比考核机制。在收入结构转型,收入日趋多元化的同时还应该更加关注非利息收入内部结构的优化。此外,还应该加快利率市场化改革。
[Abstract]:The profit structure of commercial banks (revenue structure) refers to the proportion of the income of the banking sector in the total income. According to the classification method of Jiang Jianqing (2006), it can be divided into three levels: the income structure (income structure), the profit structure (profit structure /earnings structure), and the value structure (value structure).
The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of the transformation of the income structure of Chinese commercial banks on the performance and risk of the bank. In the three levels of the commercial bank's income structure, the income structure is the most direct and clear income structure. The profit structure and the value structure are also very important, but because of their lack of data or not easy to measure directly, this article from the data In terms of availability, the main purpose is to study the first level of income structure, that is, the study of the income structure of commercial banks. The income of commercial banks mainly includes interest income and non interest income, the proportion of interest income and non interest income in total income and the mutual relationship constitute the income structure of commercial banks.
This paper tries to answer the question through empirical research: how does the change of income structure affect the overall performance and risk of the bank in the process of the transformation of China's commercial banks' income structure, and whether the increase in the proportion of the total income of the interest income has already played a promotion to the bank's income and the wind of the bank. What is the impact of risk?
The research on the relationship between the non interest income and the performance and risk of commercial banks is divided into two schools. One view is that the non interest income makes the bank's income diversify while increasing the bank's income, improves the traditional single income structure and diversiforms the risk of the bank through diversification. The opposite view is that the positive impact of non interest income on earnings is limited, and does not even improve the earnings of the bank, but will reduce the performance of the bank because of its strong volatility.
Specifically, by constructing the index DIV to measure the diversification of the bank's income, this paper measures the index NIIOI of the bank's non interest income level, NFCOI, the index ROA of the bank performance, ROE and the index ADZ to measure the bank risk, ADZP, ADZP1, ADZP2, SDROA, SDROE.
The empirical results of this paper show that NIIOI, DIV and NFCOI have a significant positive impact on ROA, and the improvement of NIIOI, DIV and NFCOI is beneficial to the improvement of ROA., that is, the transformation of Chinese commercial banks' income structure improves the performance of banks (with ROA as a performance indicator). In particular, the non interest income ratio, the income diversification index and the net formalities. The ratio of fee to commission income has a significant positive impact on return on assets.
But both NIIOI and DIV have no significant influence on ROE. After adding the square term of NIIOI, NFCOI has a more significant positive influence of.NFCOI to improve the structure of ROE.NFCOI that can reflect the non interest income of commercial banks. In non interest income, it mainly includes net formalities and commission income and investment net income. A possible explanation for the results of this regression is that the internal structural differences in non interest income may affect the results of the regression, because the internal structural difference is not reflected in the index NIIOI, and the more subdivided indicator NFCOI can
It reflects the internal structure difference of non interest income. Therefore, the non interest income ratio and the income diversification index have no significant influence on the capital yield, but the specific subdivision index has a more significant positive impact on the capital yield ratio.
In addition, both MNIIOI and MDIV have significant positive effects on SDROA, but all of them have no significant impact on SDROE. Similarly, MNIIOI and MDIV have a significant negative impact on ADZP1, ADZP2 and ADZP, but all of which have no significant impact on ADZ. Specifically, it increases the risk of portfolio and leverage, but has no significant impact on the bank's risk of bankruptcy.
Therefore, in the current and future period, China's banking industry should continue to develop non interest income business, broaden the income source and improve the performance of the bank. However, we should choose the non interest income ratio according to the scale of business development and the actual situation of each bank, and control the bank risk rationally while improving the performance. It is necessary to blindly imitate the international advanced banks. It is necessary to cancel some irrational, unscientific and non practical non interest income account assessment mechanisms. In the transition of income structure and the increasing diversification of income, we should pay more attention to the optimization of the internal structure of non interest income. In addition, the reform of interest rate market should be accelerated.



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