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发布时间:2018-05-01 01:36

  本文选题:融资结构 + 中小企业 ; 参考:《长沙理工大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, due to the vigorous development of the market economy in our country, the small and medium-sized enterprises in our country have developed rapidly. Small and medium-sized enterprises are promoting economic growth, creating employment opportunities, and increasing the income of farmers. Transfer rural surplus labor force and other aspects play a more and more important role. However, due to the imperfect institution and credit guarantee system of providing special financing services for SMEs, the mortgage guarantee system still needs to be perfected, and the defects of the capital market lead to the financing difficulties of SMEs. The problem of financing difficulties greatly constrains the survival and development of small and medium-sized enterprises. XG company as one of them also faces the problem of capital shortage and financing difficulties. Therefore, through the analysis of XG company's current financing strategy, find out its shortcomings and shortcomings, and refer to other small and medium-sized enterprises' financing experience. This paper attempts to explore a set of reasonable and effective financing strategies suitable for XG Company in order to solve the problem of capital shortage and ensure its healthy and stable development. First of all, from the basic theory of financing, based on the basic situation of XG Company, combined with its financial data in 2011-2013 and its characteristics as small and medium-sized enterprises of automobile parts manufacturing, this paper analyzes the financing structure of XG Company. This paper analyzes the present situation and causes of XG company's financing difficulty from a deep level. Secondly, in order to explore the relationship between the financing structure and enterprise performance of XG enterprise as a small and medium-sized automobile parts manufacturing enterprise, and the gap between XG enterprise and the industry as a whole, this paper makes an empirical analysis by using the relevant financial data of the industry in 2011-2013. The author chooses the profit before interest and tax which represents the performance of the enterprise as dependent variable, and the proportion of equity financing, commercial credit financing, bank loan financing, which can reflect its financing structure. As independent variables, the relationship between the financing structure of the industry and the performance of the enterprise is regressed. The results show that it is a better choice to increase the debt financing of the enterprise. Get the overall situation of the industry and compare the situation of XG Company to find the reasons for its financing difficulties. Finally, according to the characteristics of XG Company, the author suggests that XG mainly carry out order financing and financing lease, which is suitable for its own situation. At the same time, it also tries to provide enlightenment and reference for other small and medium enterprises to solve the problem of financing difficulties.


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