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发布时间:2018-05-02 00:03

  本文选题:财务风险 + 军工企业 ; 参考:《财政部财政科学研究所》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In today's increasingly open market economy system, financial risk is an objective fact that all units have to face from beginning to end. In 2008, the most serious financial crisis in the world since the second World War broke out. The main causes of this crisis are the overindebtedness of enterprises, the poor ability of cash payment to resist risks, and the instability of financial structure, which results in the crisis of enterprises' ability to pay. With the continuous strengthening of economic globalization and the improvement of market mechanism, the competition between enterprises is becoming more and more fierce. In recent years, with the deepening and strengthening of the market-oriented reform in our country, the management requirements of the military enterprises have also been increasingly raised. As an important part of our national economy, the military industry enterprises have become an important part of the national economy. Only by constantly innovating the operation and management mode of our country's military enterprises and improving the quality of economic operation can we realize the strategic goal of the transformation and development of our country's military enterprises. At the same time, as the operational monitoring of listed military enterprises, financial risk control has the important responsibility of perfecting internal control, strengthening internal risk control and improving the level of enterprise operation management. In addition, the globalization and integration trend of the military enterprises have put forward new requirements for the internal financial risk control of the listed military enterprises in China from various aspects. The listed military enterprises of our country only have to rapidly improve their own internal financial risk system construction. Only by absorbing the experience of the advanced internal financial risk control system construction of the international first-class military listed enterprises and rapidly improving their own international competitiveness, can they quickly enhance their ability to resist risks under the background of the increasingly fierce competition among the world's military enterprises. Establish a good sustainable development model and occupy a favorable position in the future development. This paper intends to study the financial risk control of listed military enterprises in our country, mainly adopts the standard research method, and carries on some simple analysis and research to the financial risk of the military enterprises in the aspects of the meaning, the goal and the characteristic of the financial risk control. The specific content of this paper includes five parts: the first part, introduction, this chapter mainly introduces the background of this study, motivation, and domestic and foreign theoretical circles on listed military enterprises internal financial risk control research results are summarized. Finally, the research ideas and methods of the paper are described. The second part, the military enterprise financial risk control related theory summary and the frame construction. This chapter mainly expounds the basic concept, related theory and connotation of internal financial risk control. At the same time, the concept and characteristics of internal financial risk control in military enterprises are introduced, and the frame of financial risk control is established. The third part summarizes the basic situation of internal financial risk control of China's military enterprises. Based on the actual financial data of the military enterprises in which the author works, this paper illustrates the effect of financial risk control on the development of military enterprises. The fourth part, the foreign military enterprise internal financial risk control experience and the enlightenment basic condition brief introduction. This chapter mainly introduces the situation and theoretical basis of the financial risk control in the United States and Britain, and draws the inspiration of the risk control suitable for the military enterprises in our country. The fifth part, the policy suggestion of improving the construction of internal financial risk control of our country's military enterprises, putting forward the policy suggestion of perfecting the internal financial risk control and principle of listed military enterprises of our country, strengthening the construction of internal financial risk control audit laws and regulations; Further improve the implementation of internal financial risk control; further improve the financial risk control related policy recommendations.


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