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发布时间:2018-05-02 04:00

  本文选题:BOT + 资产性质 ; 参考:《湖南科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a new mode of financing and construction management, the BOT model has been actively promoted in China. In the process of running, the ownership of the model is unclear, the nature of assets is unclear and the identification of liabilities is difficult. Seriously affect the BOT project management and government capital clearance. This paper discusses the concept of financial assets and intangible assets in the recognition of assets and liabilities of BOT projects. It is concluded that the operation of BOT project is based on franchise, and franchise determines the asset specificity of BOT project. Bot project operation framework shows that property right theory, contract theory, etc. Asset specific theory and financing theory are the theoretical basis for the project company to determine the property and liability of BOT project correctly in the operation of BOT project. The nature of the assets of the BOT project in the project company, in the "B" stage, the assets, liabilities and owner's equity of the project company increase at the time of the financing; the ownership of the assets constructed by the bot project does not belong to the project company at the time of the construction of the project. The project company to contract the project to the other party shall not recognize the income from construction services, shall be in accordance with the construction process to pay the cost of the project, etc., shall be recognized as financial assets or intangible assets according to the terms of the contract. The infrastructure constructed by the bot business during the "O" phase shall not be regarded as the fixed assets of the project company; the income from the construction contract shall be measured at the fair value of the received or receivable consideration, and shall be recognized at the same time as the income is recognized in the following circumstances: Recognition of financial or intangible assets. In the "T" phase, at the end of the franchise period, intangible assets have been amortized, the net book value of assets is zero and is no longer recognized as an asset. The liabilities of the BOT project in the project company are recognized that in the "B" stage, in the case of debt financing, long-term or short-term borrowing is recorded according to the borrowing period, and equity (or paid-in capital) is recorded in the case of equity financing. In the "O" stage, the substance of the bot project assets determines the financial asset model or the intangible asset model of the nature of the BOT project assets. When the project company acquires the assets from the authorized party, it shall be recognized at its fair value. A liability shall be recognized until the service relating to the acquisition of the asset is provided. In the "T" stage, when the bot project enterprise becomes one of the parties to the financial instrument contract, it should return the financial liabilities to zero with the net book value of the financial assets returning to zero. Finally, based on the theoretical analysis of asset nature and liability recognition of BOT project, a case study is carried out, which has certain reference significance to the asset nature and liability recognition of BOT project in practice.


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