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发布时间:2018-05-06 02:18

  本文选题:财务风险管理 + 管理体系 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the integration of the global economy, the competition among oil enterprises is becoming more and more intense, and the financial risks they face are becoming more and more great. In addition, the objective existence and loss of financial risks may face huge financial risks if they are slightly careless. It may even go bankrupt. Oil enterprises should identify the risk factors that affect their own financial risk, evaluate the financial risk and take effective measures to avoid and resolve the risk, otherwise it may cause financial crisis. As one of the most important measures to prevent and control financial risk, internal control has been widely concerned by both theoretical and practical circles. Therefore, this paper analyzes and studies the financial risk management of petroleum enterprises from the perspective of internal control, which is of great practical significance and is helpful for oil enterprises to avoid financial risks and gain advantages in the competition. To achieve rapid and good development. Based on the theory of financial risk management and internal control, this paper takes the petroleum enterprises of our country as the research object. Firstly, it introduces the related theories of financial risk management and internal control, then introduces the characteristics of Chinese petroleum enterprises and the types of financial risks they face, and analyzes the problems of financial risk management in the perspective of internal control of Chinese petroleum enterprises. Thirdly, construct the financial risk management system of petroleum enterprises from the perspective of internal control; finally, analyze the financial risk management system from the perspective of internal control, and put forward the measures to ensure the normal operation of the system.


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