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发布时间:2018-05-07 07:17

  本文选题:交易性金融资产 + 可供出售金融资产 ; 参考:《东华大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:2007年1月1日,我国开始实行新企业会计准则,新准则对金融资产确认和计量做出了全新的规定。在新准则规定的四类金融资产中,交易性金融资产和可供出售金融资产在初始计量和后续计量中都采用公允价值计量模式,但是前者由于公允价值变动所产生的未实现损益直接计入当期损益,而后者由于公允价值变动所产生的未实现损益却计入了资本公积,在出售时才予以转出确认为收益。这样的准则规定为上市公司利用两类金融资产不同的管理方式进行盈余管理提供了机会。基于此,本文对上市公司是否利用两类金融资产不同的管理方式进行盈余管理进行了研究。 本文的研究工作分为文献综述、理论分析、实证检验和政策建议四个部分: 文献综述部分回顾和梳理了国内外学者关于盈余管理概念、动机和行为方式的研究成果;也梳理了我国学者关于上市公司利用两类金融资产进行盈余管理的研究成果。为后文的实证研究提供了理论背景和现实基础。 理论分析部分以委托代理理论作为理论基础,从会计准则角度分析了上市公司利用两类金融资产进行盈余管理的可能性;也分析了两类金融资产会计处理的差异以及由此可能引发的上市公司盈余管理行为方式。为后文的实证研究提供了理论依据和理论支撑。 实证检验部分从两类金融资产初始分类动机、交易性金融资产公允价值变动确定和可供出售金融资产出售动机三方面提出了假设,运用描述性分析、多元线性回归模型和多元概率比回归模型(Probit模型)等分析方法探讨了两类金融资产会计政策选择的经济动因、交易性金融资产公允价值变动损益的影响因素和可供出售金融资产出售交易的动因。实证结果表明:上市公司在确定金融资产的初始分类时,会受到相关流动风险水平、增配动机、收益平滑动机和公司规模的影响;上市公司在确定交易性金融资产的后续计量价值时考虑当前的盈利状况,使本年度最终盈余维持在管理层“可接受的水平”;可供出售金融资产的出售会受到利润平滑、减少亏损或扭亏等动机的影响。 政策建议部分在理论分析和实证检验的基础上,提出了完善金融资产相关会计准则的建议。
[Abstract]:On January 1, 2007, China began to implement the new accounting standards for enterprises, the new standards for the recognition and measurement of financial assets made a new regulation. Among the four types of financial assets specified in the new guidelines, both transactional financial assets and marketable financial assets use fair value measurement models in both initial and subsequent measurements, However, the unrealized gains and losses of the former due to the change of fair value are directly recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, while the unrealized gains and losses of the latter due to the changes in the fair value are recorded in the capital reserve, and are only transferred out and recognized as income at the time of sale. Such rules provide an opportunity for listed companies to use different management methods of two types of financial assets for earnings management. Based on this, this paper studies whether listed companies use different management methods of two kinds of financial assets to carry out earnings management. The research work of this paper is divided into four parts: literature review, theoretical analysis, empirical test and policy recommendations. The literature review part reviews and combs the domestic and foreign scholars' research achievements on the concept, motivation and behavior of earnings management, and also combs the research results of Chinese scholars on the use of two types of financial assets in earnings management. It provides the theoretical background and practical basis for the later empirical research. In the theoretical analysis part, based on the principal-agent theory, the possibility of earnings management of listed companies using two kinds of financial assets is analyzed from the angle of accounting standards. It also analyzes the difference of accounting treatment of two kinds of financial assets and the behavior of earnings management of listed companies. It provides theoretical basis and theoretical support for the later empirical research. The empirical test part puts forward the hypothesis from two kinds of financial assets initial classification motive, the transaction financial asset fair value change determination and the available for sale financial asset sale motive three aspects, uses the descriptive analysis, The multiple linear regression model and the probit model of multiple probabilistic ratio regression model are used to analyze the economic drivers of the choice of accounting policies for two kinds of financial assets, such as the multiple linear regression model and the probit model. The influencing factors of fair value change of traded financial assets and the motivation of selling financial assets. The empirical results show that the initial classification of financial assets of listed companies will be affected by the level of liquidity risk, the motivation of increase, the motivation of income smoothing and the size of the company. In determining the subsequent measurement value of transactional financial assets, the listed company considers the current profit situation so that the final surplus for this year is maintained at an "acceptable level" for management; the sale of financial assets available for sale will be subject to a smooth profit, The effect of a motive, such as a loss reduction or a turnaround. On the basis of theoretical analysis and empirical test, the policy suggestions are put forward to improve the accounting standards related to financial assets.


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1 顾兆峰;论盈余管理[J];财经研究;2000年03期

2 戴德明,毛新述,邓t,




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