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发布时间:2018-05-07 10:11

  本文选题:供应链 + 建筑工程项目 ; 参考:《重庆理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文运用供应链管理与建筑行业物料管理的基本思想和方法,展开工程项目物料成本的管控研究。当前建筑行业的物料管理各方面大多停留在传统管理阶段,,无法对企业真正做出最大化贡献。而供应链管理是一种集成的管理理念及方法,突破了传统生产管理模式,注重从系统的角度对整条供应链活动进行业务流程重组和优化,以此来实现供应链节点的成员企业物料管理业务的同步化运作和效益最大化,所以,在供应链环境下进行物料成本管控,有助于在优化整条建筑供应链的情况下,使得物料的各项活动都高效且低成本的运作,从而有助于整个工程项目保质保量且按进度完成。 本文以工程项目物料成本的管控为研究目的,并确定物料成本管控的研究重点,分析传统工程项目物料在其采购、供应商管理及库存管理中存在的问题,结合AB公司物料管理具体案例,针对物料管理存在的问题及影响物料成本的主要因素,提出了供应链环境下的物料的采购策略、供应商与评价标准和选择方法以及物料库存的控制策略,从而达到降低工程项目物料成本的目的,进而降低工程项目成本,提高工程项目运营效率。 本文提出的从供应链管理的视角,对工程项目物料从采购、供应商选择评价以及物料库存管理这几方面提出的理念及方法对大型建筑企业有效进行物料成本管控具有一定的理论意义和实践参考价值。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the basic ideas and methods of supply chain management and material management in construction industry are used to study the management and control of material cost of engineering projects. At present, most aspects of material management in the construction industry stay in the traditional management stage, which can not make the maximum contribution to the enterprise. Supply chain management (SCM) is an integrated management concept and method, which breaks through the traditional production management model and focuses on the business process reengineering and optimization of the whole supply chain activities from the system point of view. In order to realize the synchronous operation and benefit maximization of the material management business of the member enterprise of the supply chain node, therefore, the material cost control in the supply chain environment is helpful to optimize the whole building supply chain. Make the material activities efficient and low-cost operation, thus helping the whole project to maintain quality and progress. The purpose of this paper is to control the material cost of the engineering project, and to determine the research emphasis of the material cost control, and to analyze the problems existing in the traditional engineering project materials in its procurement, supplier management and inventory management. Based on the case of material management in AB Company, this paper puts forward the purchasing strategy of materials under supply chain environment, aiming at the problems existing in material management and the main factors affecting material cost. Suppliers and evaluation criteria and selection methods and control strategies of material inventory can achieve the purpose of reducing the cost of materials in engineering projects, thus reducing the cost of engineering projects and improving the operational efficiency of engineering projects. In this paper, from the perspective of supply chain management, the procurement of engineering materials from the point of view, The concepts and methods of supplier selection evaluation and material inventory management have certain theoretical significance and practical reference value for large construction enterprises to effectively carry out material cost control.


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