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发布时间:2018-05-07 12:27

  本文选题:汽车经销商 + 融资策略 ; 参考:《西北大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国的经济在改革开放后得到了长足的发展,随着不断升级的消费结构和日益提高的国民购买力,我国的汽车市场已经成长为世界上最有潜力和最有吸引力的市场。从2009年开始,中国己经连续实现新车销售世界第一,国内庞大的汽车销售市场,使得国内外的汽车生产厂家对我国汽车市场的关注和投入在不断的提高。与之而来的,就是市场竞争在不断加剧。消费者可选择的范围扩大了,消费者的态度也越来越理性,因此各个汽车品牌针对目前的市场,大都采取了降价等方式侵占市场份额。致使新车的售价和毛利率都出现了下滑的趋势。而作为资金密集型行业的汽车流通行业,汽车经销商从建设新店起就需要投入大量的资金,大量的整车库存和零配件的库存也是沉淀资金的一个重要部分,与此同时,还需要流动资金来应对平时的营运。目前来说,国内汽车经销商一般都是自有资金比较少,主要通过银行借款等方式来进行负债经营。在这个时候,如何定制适合自己的,并行之有效的融资策略已经成为摆在经销商面前的一个重要课题。 本文针对GF公司,这一单个汽车经销商进行调查和研究,再根据一系列相关国内外文献研究,对GF公司的融资现状进行分析。首先,由于汽车经销商行业是高资金占有行业,使大部分像GF公司这样的汽车经销商的营运资金均以融资方式获得,特别是从银行渠道融资获得。因此,适合GF公司并能行之有效的融资策略就成了经营管理上胜出的一个重要指标。但是,目前国内的汽车经销商,包括GF公司,都只是关注新车销售和售后服务所带来的直接受益和如何更多的筹措资金,对融资策略的制定和管理没有深刻的认识,基本不去进行融资策略的研究和制定,更没能系统的在整个业务流程中进行分析整合。因而经常有经销商出现资金短缺、周转困难等问题,甚至有的经销商由于融资不当出现资金链断裂,导致公司破产。因此,本文从GF公司出发,用SWOT分析法分析,得出适合GF公司的融资策略,进而探讨出适合某一类型汽车经销商的,能够制定出适合这一类经销商发展的融资策略的方法,以促进整个汽车流通行业的可持续发展。而GF公司这样的汽车经销商作为汽车产业链中的零售窗口,在整个产业链中起着承上启下的关键作用,需要在防范经营风险的前提下,进行企业经营状况的深入分析,根据自身的资源和运营现状,制定出合理的融资策略,科学的安排资产负债率,选择资金成本相对较低的筹融资渠道,加快资金周转速度,保持较高的稳定的利润率,才能在市场中处于优势地位。
[Abstract]:The economy of our country has developed rapidly after the reform and opening up. With the increasing consumption structure and the increasing purchasing power of the people, the automobile market of our country has grown into the most potential and attractive market in the world. Since 2009, China has continuously realized the first new car sales in the world, and the huge domestic auto sales market, which makes the domestic and foreign automobile manufacturers pay more attention and investment to our automobile market. What comes with it, is the market competition is continuously intensifying. The range of choices for consumers has been expanded and consumers' attitudes are becoming more and more rational. Therefore, for the current market, most of the automobile brands have taken measures such as price reduction to encroach on market share. As a result, new car prices and gross profit margins have declined. As a capital-intensive automobile circulation industry, car dealers need to invest a lot of money from the beginning of the construction of new stores. A large amount of vehicle inventory and spare parts inventory is also an important part of the precipitation of funds, at the same time, Liquidity is also needed to cope with normal operations. At present, domestic auto dealers generally have less own funds, mainly through bank loans and other ways to debt management. At this time, how to customize their own, and effective financing strategy has become an important issue in front of dealers. This paper investigates and studies GF Company, a single automobile dealer, and then analyzes the financing status of GF Company according to a series of domestic and foreign literature. First, because the auto dealer industry is a high-capitalization industry, most auto dealers like GF obtain working capital through financing, especially from banks. Therefore, a suitable and effective financing strategy for GF has become an important indicator of success in management. However, at present, domestic auto dealers, including GF Company, are only concerned about the direct benefits of new car sales and after-sales service and how to raise more funds. They do not have a profound understanding of the formulation and management of financing strategies. Basically do not carry on the financing strategy research and the formulation, does not have the system in the entire business process carries on the analysis integration. As a result, some dealers often have problems such as shortage of funds, difficulty in turnover, and even some dealers break the chain of funds due to improper financing, which leads to the bankruptcy of the company. Therefore, based on GF Company and SWOT analysis method, the financing strategy suitable for GF Company is obtained, and the method of financing strategy suitable for the development of this kind of dealer is discussed, which is suitable for a certain type of automobile dealer. In order to promote the whole automobile circulation industry sustainable development. As the retail window in the automobile industry chain, the automobile dealers such as GF Company play a key role in the whole industry chain, so we need to carry out the in-depth analysis of the enterprise management situation on the premise of guarding against the operating risks. According to its own resources and operation status, it makes reasonable financing strategy, scientifically arranges the ratio of assets and liabilities, selects the financing channel with relatively low capital cost, speeds up the speed of capital turnover, and maintains a high and stable profit margin. In order to be in a dominant position in the market.


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