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发布时间:2018-05-08 05:08

  本文选题:交叉销售 + 平衡计分卡 ; 参考:《重庆理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济全球化步伐的加快和信息技术的发展,企业在顾客需求、管理模式和竞争环境等方面都发生了剧烈的变化。为了更好的适应这种环境,企业所关注的重点逐渐从销售规模向顾客资产管理和战略管理方面转变。但在实际中,却存在着客户数据缺失,绩效评价指标与企业战略目标相脱节等问题。为了更好的解决这些问题,本文提出了交叉销售和平衡计分卡概念。交叉销售和平衡计分卡目的都是以提高顾客的满意度为前提,从而提高企业的利润。因此,如何将交叉销售和平衡计分卡有效的结合起来,共同促进企业战略绩效和客户满意度的提高,成为本文主要研究的问题之一。 本文从数据挖掘和交叉销售的关系出发,在总结了绩效管理和平衡计分卡等相关理论的基础上,将交叉销售和平衡计分卡结合起来对QY公司战略管理体系进行了优化。文章主要包括三个方面的内容: 首先,通过理论部分总结出三方面内容:一是交叉销售这种销售策略能在营销策略逐渐饱和的今天,充分提高顾客忠诚度,扩大销售量;二是平衡计分卡作为一种有效的战略绩效评价工具,实现了企业多方面的平衡,有利于企业、团队和个人的共同发展;三是将交叉销售和平衡计分卡结合起来能够更好的提高企业的战略绩效。 其次,本文提出了一种全新的交叉销售算法即聚类的关联规则算法,文章从财务、客户、内部流程、学习和发展四个层面对QY公司的整体战略目标进行了细化,并在各个层面战略目标的指引下构建了加入交叉销售相关指标的平衡计分卡战略评价体系。 最后,将理论分析运用到实践中。利用编程技术和平衡计分卡综合评价模型,设计并开发了加入交叉销售指标的平衡计分卡绩效评价系统,,实现对公司财务、客户、内部业务流程、学习与成长等方面的综合评价。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of economic globalization and the development of information technology, enterprises have undergone drastic changes in customer demand, management mode and competitive environment. In order to better adapt to this environment, the focus of enterprises is gradually changing from sales scale to customer asset management and strategic management. However, in practice, there are some problems, such as the lack of customer data and the disconnection between the performance evaluation index and the strategic goal of the enterprise. In order to solve these problems better, this paper puts forward the concept of cross-selling and balanced scorecard. The purpose of cross-selling and balanced scorecard is to improve customer satisfaction and increase the profit of enterprises. Therefore, how to effectively combine cross-selling and balanced scorecard to promote corporate strategic performance and customer satisfaction has become one of the main research issues in this paper. Starting from the relationship between data mining and cross-selling, this paper summarizes the relevant theories of performance management and balanced scorecard, and combines cross-selling and balanced scorecard to optimize the strategic management system of QY Company. The article mainly includes three aspects: First of all, through the theoretical part summarized three aspects of the content: first, cross-selling this sales strategy in the marketing strategy gradually saturated today, fully improve customer loyalty, expand sales; Second, as an effective tool of strategic performance evaluation, the balanced Scorecard realizes the balance of various aspects of the enterprise, which is conducive to the common development of the enterprise, the team and the individual; Third, cross-selling and balanced scorecard can better improve the strategic performance of enterprises. Secondly, this paper puts forward a new cross-selling algorithm, namely clustering association rules algorithm. This paper refines QY company's overall strategic goal from four aspects: finance, customer, internal process, learning and development. A balanced Scorecard strategic evaluation system with cross-selling related indexes is constructed under the guidance of strategic objectives at various levels. Finally, the theoretical analysis is applied to practice. Using programming technology and balanced scorecard comprehensive evaluation model, a balanced Scorecard performance evaluation system with cross-selling index is designed and developed to realize the financial, customer and internal business process of the company. Comprehensive evaluation of learning and growth.


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