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发布时间:2018-05-11 12:22

  本文选题:小微企业 + 内源融资 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:小微企业的生存发展及其融资问题,目前已成为全社会普遍关注的热点问题。其原因在于,小微企业在很多经济体中对GDP的增加、税收收入及扩大就业等方面有着巨大的贡献。但小微企业的融资,由于其发展过程中的特殊矛盾和特殊规律,使其融资难的问题发展成为一个世界性的难题,如何破解这一难题,已成为我国目前经济发展阶段中亟需解决的重大课题。近几年来,包括我国在内的世界上很多国家和地区都已经作出了大量的实践探索,积累了很多实践经验。但在我国当前复杂的经济形势下,小微企业的融资问题还存在很多障碍,这其中既有小微企业自身的原因,比如其公司治理水平低、内部管理存在缺陷等问题,也有银行等金融机构的原因,比如商业银行在为小微企业提供金融服务的过程中创新不足、专业能力和专业化程度不强等原因,除此之外还有政府部门在立法、财税等配套政策体系方面存在薄弱环节,因此解决我国小微企业融资难的问题应当主要从以上三个方面着手。 宁波XX进出口有限公司是一家成立时间不足5年的小微外贸企业,其注册资金为50万元,发展至今,公司的总资产已达到数百万元。根据宁波市外经贸局和宁波市财政局发布的,2013年8月22日开始实施的《宁波市小微外贸企业融资帮扶资金使用办法》第一章第四条之规定,小微外贸企业指的是具有自营进出口经营权且上年度出口实绩小于500万美元的外贸企业。该公司符合这-使用办法对其所做的界定。在该公司发展的过程中,融资难成为一直困扰该公司发展壮大的首要问题,公司要想在现有的基础上继续做大做强,首要解决的就是融资问题,这也是本文之所以以该公司作为案例来进行分析的主要原因。宁波XX进出口有限公司作为我国小微外贸企业的典型代表,其在发展经营过程中所面临的融资难的问题是我国绝大多数小微外贸企业所共同面临的问题,因此其具有典型性,解决好宁波XX进出口有限公司的融资难问题也能从一定意义上解决好我国小微外贸企业的融资难问题。本文试图以宁波XX进出口有限公司的融资难问题作为出发点,探索出解决我国小微外贸企业融资问题的一些最佳实践。
[Abstract]:The survival, development and financing of small and micro enterprises have become a hot issue in the whole society. The reason is that small and micro businesses have contributed significantly to GDP growth, tax revenues and job creation in many economies. However, the financing of small and micro enterprises, due to the special contradictions and special laws in the process of its development, makes the problem of financing difficult to develop into a worldwide problem, how to solve this problem, Has become our country present economic development stage in the urgent need to solve the important topic. In recent years, many countries and regions in the world, including China, have made a lot of practical exploration and accumulated a lot of practical experience. However, in the current complex economic situation of our country, there are still many obstacles to the financing problems of small and micro enterprises, which include the reasons of the small and micro enterprises themselves, such as the low level of corporate governance, the defects in internal management, and so on. There are also reasons for financial institutions such as banks, such as the lack of innovation by commercial banks in providing financial services to small and micro enterprises, the lack of professional competence and the degree of specialization, and other reasons. In addition, there are also government departments in the process of legislating. There are weak links in the supporting policy system such as finance and taxation, so the problem of financing of small and micro enterprises in China should be solved mainly from the above three aspects. Ningbo XX Import and Export Co., Ltd. is a small micro-foreign trade enterprise with less than 5 years' establishment. Its registered capital is 500000 yuan, and its total assets have reached millions of yuan. According to the provisions of Chapter 1, Article 4, of the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Ningbo Municipal Finance Bureau, which were issued by the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and implemented on August 22, 2013, the measures for the use of financing and supporting funds for small and Micro Foreign Trade Enterprises in Ningbo, Small and micro foreign trade enterprises refer to foreign trade enterprises with self-operated import and export management and export performance of less than 5 million US dollars last year. The company conforms to the definition of the method of use. In the course of the development of the company, the difficulty in financing has been a major problem that has plagued the development and growth of the company. If the company wants to continue to become bigger and stronger on the existing basis, the most important solution to this problem is the financing problem. This is also the main reason why this article takes this company as a case to carry on the analysis. Ningbo XX Import and Export Co., Ltd., as a typical representative of small and micro foreign trade enterprises in China, faces the problem of financing difficulty in the process of development and operation, which is common to most of the small and micro foreign trade enterprises in our country, so it is typical. To solve the financing problem of Ningbo XX Import and Export Co., Ltd. Based on the financing difficulties of Ningbo XX Import and Export Co., Ltd., this paper attempts to explore some best practices to solve the financing problems of small and micro foreign trade enterprises in China.


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