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发布时间:2018-05-11 13:15

  本文选题:制造企业 + 内部控制 ; 参考:《福州大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economic strength and the continuous expansion of the scale of enterprises and the market share, the speed of the development of our export type manufacturing enterprises is also rising, and the proportion of our country's economic development has become more and more large. However, because of the rapid development of our export based manufacturing enterprises, the development of China's export type enterprises has also come into being. Some of the problems should be traced to the decline of the internal control ability, which reduced the sustainable development ability of the export manufacturing enterprises themselves, weakened the international competitiveness of the export manufacturing enterprises, and finally led to the weakness of the international development of the domestic manufacturing enterprises. The internal control of the enterprise means to ensure the realization of the enterprise goal. Internal control should also ensure the identification of risk factors that may impede the realization of these goals and take preventive measures. In terms of risk management, the internal control system involves enterprise finance, operation, compliance with laws and regulations and other aspects. The basic objective of internal control is to ensure the efficiency and efficiency of the unit's operating activities. In the first place, internal control will protect the security and integrity of the assets of the unit and prevent the loss of assets. Finally, the internal control of the enterprise can effectively guarantee the business. Through the detailed analysis of the internal control theory and the study of the characteristics of internal control, this paper makes a comprehensive application of the case analysis and theoretical analysis methods and summarizes the specific content of the research. This paper first introduces the internal control and the development of internal control in the internal control and manufacturing enterprises. The framework, the evolution of internal control theory and the internal control implementation system are analyzed, and the theoretical basis of this paper is clarified. Secondly, the current situation and problems of internal control in export manufacturing enterprises in China are analyzed, and the reasons for the problems encountered in the process of internal control development in China's export type manufacturing enterprises are put forward. Finally, the re construction of the internal control mode of China's export type manufacturing enterprises is studied and analyzed. The basic internal control positioning of a A export manufacturing enterprise is carried out. Through the internal audit, information communication, supervision and management and other angles, the empirical research and analysis are carried out, and the concrete strategies and suggestions for the development of the internal control system are put forward. The theoretical basis for the future development of China's export manufacturing enterprises' internal control is set.



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