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发布时间:2018-05-13 12:04

  本文选题:预算松弛 + 预算强调 ; 参考:《南京工业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Budget is one of the most important ways to manage resources, increase the efficiency of using resources and accelerate the strategic development of colleges and universities. However, the existence of budget relaxation makes colleges and universities have problems such as inefficient use of resources and serious waste. These problems have seriously hindered the development of education in colleges and universities and in our country. As the budget of colleges and universities involves the work of all departments, the causes of budget relaxation are diverse and complex. At present, the research at home and abroad is mainly on the enterprises, few of which are specifically aimed at the causes of university budget relaxation. In order to reduce the university budget slack and make the university budget management play its role better, according to the actual situation of the university budget management, this study makes a comprehensive exploration and analysis on the causes of the budget slack. First of all, according to the principal-agent theory and behavioral science theory to sum up the causes of budget relaxation; thirdly, review the existing literature, sum up the possible causes of university budget relaxation, build the formation model of university budget relaxation; finally, The data were collected by questionnaire, and the structural equation was used to analyze the factors. This subject uses SPSS and AMOS data analysis software to carry on the statistical measurement to the data, and the research goal provides the certain instruction function for the university budget management. The main research work and conclusions of this subject are as follows: (1) reviewing and evaluating the existing literature at home and abroad, summarizing the current research on the cause of budget relaxation in colleges and universities, and making a basic theoretical analysis on the causes of budget relaxation in colleges and universities. This paper expounds the concept of budget relaxation in colleges and universities, and puts forward some relevant research hypotheses, and establishes a contributing model of budget relaxation in colleges and universities. It introduces the basic situation of the sample, the distribution and recovery of the questionnaire, and analyzes the reliability and validity of the collected data. Descriptive statistical analysis and difference analysis are used to verify the hypothesis of the research. The empirical results show that the budget participation and budget emphasis not only lead to the formation of budget relaxation. At the same time, it will also promote the establishment of budget fairness. Based on the results of empirical analysis and the actual situation of budget management in colleges and universities, this paper puts forward some relevant suggestions: colleges and universities should attach importance to the training and development of budget management staff. To make it realize correctly the importance of budget management in colleges and universities, to combine budget management with strategic development, to combine "annual department budget" with "rolling budget", and to establish a budget management information tracking system. It is necessary for colleges and universities to carefully determine the degree and mode of staff participation in budget preparation.


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