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发布时间:2018-05-13 21:17

  本文选题:军工企业 + 增值税 ; 参考:《财政部财政科学研究所》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Tax planning is the mature behavior of the market subject in the market economy. The level of tax planning reflects to a great extent the level of the enterprise's tax payment and the implementation of the overall strategy. As the main tax category of turnover tax, VAT is based on the amount of value-added tax, the total amount of circulation as the taxable sales amount, and the tax calculation method on the basis of the total sales of goods or services. At the same time, the system of tax deduction is implemented. Tax has already been paid for the previous link to deduct, VAT is taxed outside the price, and the operator sells the goods so that the tax is added to the price to be passed on to the purchaser. As the circulation of the goods extends, the tax will ultimately be borne by the consumer. Apply proportional tax rates on products or industries. The production and sales of military factories belonging to the military industry system are included in the military production plan of the competent department of military industry and are sold to the military, military factories, national security systems and the general equipment department in accordance with the principle of military product pricing, and are exempted from value-added tax, The State General Armament Department and the arms and equipment departments are duty-free prices in the order prices of military products, and the taxes paid by the military industry enterprises from the purchase of materials to the production coordination and so on cannot be transferred. In the sale of duty-free products in the price of no tax compensation, VAT eventually become a part of the cost of the product, consumers are not the full tax payer, military enterprises become the actual burden of VAT, Increased enterprise product cost and capital cost. How to carry on the tax planning to the military industry enterprise VAT is particularly important. Based on the introduction of the concept and significance of enterprise tax planning, this paper expounds the present situation and existing problems in the development of tax planning, and introduces in detail some common methods of value-added tax planning at present. Combined with a case study, this paper analyzes how enterprises should carry out VAT tax planning, summarizes the problems that enterprises should pay attention to in VAT tax planning, and discusses the practical business and strategy of VAT in military enterprise groups. Its objectives are: first, to plan for non-taxable projects concurrently, to reduce the overall tax burden on enterprises, and at the same time to reduce the additional expenditure on urban construction tax and education fees based on value-added tax, and to reduce enterprise capital expenditure; and second, to produce duty-free products through production. In purchasing and registration area, we plan to reduce the income tax, increase the tax refund, reduce the production cost and capital cost, and improve the profitability of the enterprise. The third is to provide some practical operations and methods for enterprises to carry out VAT tax planning.


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