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发布时间:2018-05-14 14:04

  本文选题:收入预测 + 测算模型 ; 参考:《学术界》2013年S1期

[Abstract]:The power supply company of a city has broken the traditional thinking mode, changing the concept, making bold innovation, using advanced mathematical analysis tools, establishing a scientific and reasonable calculation model by using advanced mathematical analysis tools, providing effective auxiliary decision-making for income prediction through the software calculation process, and providing the improvement of the lean management level of the company's income forecast. At the same time, the use of the calculation model opens up the thinking of the lean management of the company, expands the supporting means of decision making. With the continuous development and application of the model tools, it will provide reasonable and efficient decision support for the management work of the company.

【作者单位】: 江苏省电力公司;


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