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发布时间:2018-05-14 21:25

  本文选题:纺织产业集群 + 财务协同效应 ; 参考:《西安工程大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在经济全球化和信息化迅速发展的今天,产业集群作为世界上最具特色与竞争力的经济组织形式,已成为当今经济组织发展的一个重要方向,也是各个学科研究的热点,其专业化的分工与群落协同效应显现出较强的竞争优势,使其日益受到重视,成为企业、产业以及区域参与竞争的重要组织形式,一些颇具竞争力的产业集群也渐渐形成。由于产业集群的地域特征,使得群内企业的资金流动形式也突破了以前单体企业内部资金流动的局限,在一个更大的范围内构成了循环效应。而财务协同效应作为一种“1+12”的财务增效效应,满足了产业集群这一中观经济组织的财务分析的需要。 纺织产业作为工业革命的发端,是我国经济中的重要产业部门,浙江、广东、山东、江苏、福建等省均把纺织产业列为支柱或主导产业。加入世贸组织后,纺织产业面临的竞争更加激烈,,而产业集群是一种比单体企业更有效的组织形式,它能够提高群内成员企业的资源利用效率。我国纺织产业集群已初具规模,在促进区域经济方面发挥的作用也越来越重要,因此促进产业集群的形成,推动产业集群的升级,对于纺织企业竞争力的提升具有重要意义。 本文采用理论研究和实证分析相结合的方法,首先,对产业集群相关理论进行了阐述,其中产业集群理论从外部经济理论、集聚经济理论、交易费用理论、新经济地理学理论、新竞争优势理论方面进行系统阐述;财务协同效应方面主要分析该理论的应用情况。在此基础上阐述产业集群财务协同效应的形成机理以及财务协同效应在产业集群中的表现,为研究假设的提出以及指标的选取提供依据。其次,分析我国纺织产业集群的现状,包括纺织产业集群发展现状以及纺织产业集群内企业财务协同效应现状的描述性统计分析,并对纺织产业集群内企业取得财务协同效应进行SWOT分析。最后,进行实证研究,通过因子分析提取财务协同效应的综合指标,运用描述性统计分析法、相关性分析法和回归分析法,研究集聚度与财务协同效应的关系,对比分析产业集群内企业与产业集群外企业的财务协同效应。旨在使纺织产业集群各成员企业能够更好地利用财务协同效应,推进纺织产业的升级。通过实证研究发现,产业集聚与财务协同效应是相互促进的关系,产业的集聚带来了财务协同效应的好处,而财务协同效应的存在也进一步吸引着相关产业的集聚,正是这种双向的相互促进作用使得产业集群能够更合理的集聚,更科学的发展。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economic globalization and information technology, industrial cluster, as the most characteristic and competitive form of economic organization in the world, has become an important direction of the development of economic organization nowadays, and is also a hot topic in various disciplines. The specialized division of labor and the synergistic effect of the community show a strong competitive advantage, which makes it more and more important and becomes an important organizational form for enterprises, industries and regions to participate in the competition, and some competitive industrial clusters are gradually formed. Because of the regional characteristics of industrial clusters, the form of capital flow of enterprises in the cluster has also broken through the limitations of the internal capital flows of single enterprises before, and has formed a circular effect in a larger scope. As a kind of financial synergistic effect of "112", the financial synergistic effect meets the needs of the financial analysis of the industrial cluster, a meso-economic organization. As the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the textile industry is an important industrial sector in China's economy. Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shandong, Jiangsu, Fujian and other provinces have listed the textile industry as a pillar or leading industry. After joining the WTO, the textile industry is facing more fierce competition, and the industrial cluster is a more effective organization form than the single enterprise, it can improve the resource utilization efficiency of the member enterprises in the group. China's textile industry cluster has taken shape and plays an increasingly important role in promoting regional economy. Therefore, it is of great significance to promote the formation and upgrading of industrial clusters for textile enterprises to enhance their competitiveness. This paper uses the method of combining theoretical research with empirical analysis, first of all, it expounds the related theories of industrial cluster, including the theory of external economy, the theory of agglomeration economy, the theory of transaction cost, the theory of new economic geography. The new competitive advantage theory is systematically expounded, and the application of this theory is mainly analyzed in the aspect of financial synergy. On this basis, the formation mechanism of financial synergy and the performance of financial synergy in industrial clusters are expounded, which provides the basis for the research hypothesis and the selection of indicators. Secondly, the paper analyzes the current situation of textile industry cluster in China, including the development status of textile industry cluster and the descriptive statistical analysis of financial synergy effect of enterprises in textile industry cluster. And the SWOT analysis on the financial synergy effect of enterprises in textile industry cluster is carried out. Finally, the empirical study, through factor analysis to extract the comprehensive indicators of financial synergy, using descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis method, to study the relationship between the degree of convergence and financial synergy. Comparative analysis of the financial synergy between enterprises in industrial clusters and enterprises outside industrial clusters. The aim of this paper is to make the member enterprises of textile industry cluster make better use of financial synergy and promote the upgrading of textile industry. Through empirical research, it is found that industrial agglomeration and financial synergy are mutually reinforcing relations, industrial agglomeration brings the benefits of financial synergy, and the existence of financial synergy further attracts the agglomeration of related industries. It is this kind of two-way interaction that makes industrial clusters more reasonable and more scientific.


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