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发布时间:2018-05-16 00:31

  本文选题:HX印刷公司 + 成本 ; 参考:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:摘要:在市场经济条件下,成本在HX印刷公司竞争力中占据至关重要的地位。HX印刷公司生存的动力和最终的目的是为了盈利,即获得利润。因此,HX印刷公司必须保证HX印刷公司生存公式:利润=收入一成本的值零,且在一定的合理范围内。所以HX印刷公司既要追求多创利的目标,增加销售收入,又要千方百计地降低成本,节能降耗。如何适应市场的要求,建立以成本为中心的管理体制,对于有效进行价格竞争,提高HX印刷公司的竞争力和经济效益都有重大的现实意义。 本文从HX印刷公司的成本控制的现状出发,在分析HX印刷公司生产特点的基础上,对HX印刷公司的成本控制存在的问题及原因进行了分析和探讨,详细分析了HX印刷公司如何进行成本控制,从产前阶段的成本控制、产品制造过程中的成本控制、产后的成本控制和成本控制比较方案四个方面的内容阐述了HX印刷公司成本控制方案。在此基础上,提出了HX印刷公司成本控制时的保障措施:建章立制,激励员工树立成本意识;加强设备的管理与使用;加强培训,提高员工的综合水平;加强质量管理,鼓励技术创新;强化公司管控职能五个方面。
[Abstract]:Absrtact: under the condition of market economy, cost occupies a crucial position in the competitiveness of HX Printing Company. The motive force and ultimate purpose of HX printing company's survival is to gain profit, that is, to obtain profit. Therefore, HX printing company must guarantee the survival formula of HX printing company: profit = the value of income and cost, and within a certain reasonable range. So HX Printing Company should not only pursue the goal of generating more profits, increase sales revenue, but also do everything possible to reduce costs, energy saving and consumption. How to adapt to the requirements of the market and establish a cost-centered management system is of great practical significance to effectively carry out price competition and improve the competitiveness and economic benefits of HX Printing Company. Starting from the current situation of cost control in HX Printing Company, this paper analyzes the problems and causes of cost control in HX Printing Company on the basis of analyzing the production characteristics of HX Printing Company. This paper analyzes in detail how HX Printing Company carries on the cost control, from the prenatal stage cost control, the product manufacture process cost control, The cost control scheme of HX Printing Company is described in four aspects: cost control and cost control comparison. On this basis, the paper puts forward the safeguard measures of HX Printing Company cost control: establishing rules and regulations, encouraging employees to set up cost consciousness, strengthening the management and use of equipment, strengthening training, improving the comprehensive level of employees, strengthening quality management, To encourage technological innovation; to strengthen the management and control functions of the company in five aspects.


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