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发布时间:2018-05-20 14:21

  本文选题:专业技能 + 职业教育 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:国家于2010年颁布了《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》,提出了必须把职业教育摆在十分重要的地位。然而目前中等职业技术学校培养的学生职业态度较不端正,专业技能水平较低,对理论知识的把握不够扎实,实践能力较差。对于这一状况,反映出中等职业技术专业学校在培养技能型人才的课程设置上存在了很多比较严重的问题,为此,如何对中职学校的课程设置进行合理有效的改革显得尤为必要。 通过以下三种方法的使用,对财会专业学生课程需求进行调查,弥补现有研究中缺乏实证性研究的问题,使得中职学校财会专业的课程设置能够与岗位要求相对接,实现职业教育的目标,培养真正符合社会需要的技能型人才。文献法:查阅相关文献,梳理有关中职学校课程设置的资料,初步了解中职学校课程设置相关理论和财会专业课程设置相关理论内容。通过整理发现,以往的研究更多基于理论领域,关于相关对策在实践中的应用还不够丰满。因此,确立研究的重点和方向。问卷调查法:采用问卷调查的方式,对大连市教育局直属中职学校的在校学生进行调查,从而更好的了解学生对于岗位学习的要求和目前课程设置中的问题。访谈法:对财会专业课教师和应聘单位相关责任人进行访谈,确定目前的实习岗位技能要求,以确定课程设置改革的重点和方向。同时弥补了问卷调查的不足。 通过一系列的分析,结合F校目前的实际状况,提出了一下几个方面的建议:第一、专业课程与岗位要求对接,通过岗位能力书来确定专业课程培养的方向。第二、自编校本教材和实训任务书,配合专业技能的教授,让学生学有所长学有所用。第三、建立校园企业实习基地和模拟实训室,通过真实的实训环境实现做中教做中学。第四、增强校企合作,进一步强化学生的实际职业能力,培养综合能力。第五、建设“双师型”教师队伍,为教学保驾护航。
[Abstract]:In 2010, the State promulgated the outline of the National medium and long term Education Reform and Development Plan 2010-2020, and put forward that vocational education must be placed in a very important position. However, at present, the vocational attitude of students in secondary vocational and technical schools is not correct, the level of professional skills is low, the grasp of theoretical knowledge is not solid enough, and the practical ability is poor. This situation reflects that there are many serious problems in the curriculum of training skilled personnel in secondary vocational and technical schools. How to carry on the reasonable effective reform to the secondary vocational school curriculum is particularly necessary. Through the use of the following three methods, the curriculum needs of accounting students are investigated to make up for the lack of empirical research in the existing research, so that the curriculum of accounting major in secondary vocational schools can be connected with the post requirements. To realize the goal of vocational education and to cultivate skilled talents who really meet the needs of the society. Literature method: referring to the relevant literature, combing the relevant information of secondary vocational school curriculum setting, preliminary understanding of the relevant theory of secondary vocational school curriculum setup and accounting professional curriculum related theoretical content. It is found that the previous research is based on the theoretical field, and the application of relevant countermeasures in practice is not full enough. Therefore, to establish the focus and direction of the study. The method of questionnaire investigation is to investigate the students of secondary vocational schools directly under Dalian Education Bureau by means of questionnaire, so as to better understand the students' requirements for post study and the problems in the present curriculum. Interview method: to interview the financial accounting teachers and relevant responsible persons of the job units, to determine the current skills requirements of internship posts, to determine the focus and direction of curriculum reform. At the same time, it makes up for the deficiency of questionnaire. Through a series of analysis, combined with the actual situation of F school at present, this paper puts forward the following suggestions: first, the connection between professional curriculum and post requirements, through the post ability book to determine the direction of professional curriculum training. Secondly, we should compile school-based textbooks and practice books, and cooperate with the professors of professional skills so that students can learn well and learn useful. Third, establish the campus enterprise practice base and simulation training room, through the real training environment to achieve the teaching and learning. Fourth, strengthen cooperation between schools and enterprises, further strengthen students' actual professional ability and cultivate comprehensive ability. Fifth, the construction of "double-qualified" teachers, for teaching escort.


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